Equipment and Employees

Finding this post when I did has come at a good time really. My partner and I have been stewing about a couple of employee issues lately, and it was refreshing to see others having similar difficulties at times. I guess misery loves company. I don't like to see people getting jammed up, but I guess it makes you feel not so isolated.

Overall, we have pretty good employees. We've trained them to be courteous and respectful of people's property as well as our equipment. I think age has sometimes played a role in that category. I'm somewhat hesitant to hire people that are too young. It also seems that our employees command a little more respect or trust from our older clients as well....which is completely bogus, because I know some very well put-together young people, but I think sometimes they are discounted by clients when it comes to experience.

Pay is another issue I think. What is too much and what is not enough. This is a current discussion my partner and I are having right now in regards to raises, etc. Here in my area, $10 per hr. to start is decent. What is it in other areas....I'm just curious, and what kind of responsibilities are you putting on these guys for the money?
This is really a funny ending to this story.

Asked if the fuel tank had fuel in it, reply was yet. I got to the machine this morning and looked into the tank, seemed dry to me so i put in about a half gallon of fuel, after trying to start it. Low and behold the machine was out of fuel

Sounds like you've got a special one!