EnviroSpec - Press Release

Thats Great with people working together to make things happen for those who need it. A man last year donated a pressure washer to another man I cannot mention because they chose to remain silent about there efforts. The other person was involved in a Life altering accident, the men had known each other for years. Both Very successful and the other with a obvious run of bad circumstances beyond his control.

This entire BBS is made of guys here helping each other in times of need. I'm glad the BBS exist because I have been fortunate in my life to be able to share and have had the pleasure of seeing the good that can be done first hand.

Allison has a huge Heart and I know she wants to make a difference in this industry. She is a great person to help you guys get the story to the for-front of the industry.

Welcome Again David and if we can help you I'm a phone call away.

Thanks Ron... Not even a problem. I can be pretty easy to get along with and have no problems with someone disagreeing (even if they are wrong...haha). I wanted to be emphatic about John and Shelly's sincerity so others might be more apt to nominate other vets the way John T and Allison (Not sure of her last name - eClean Magazine) did me. I had a Walmart PW budget and big dreams. In fact, my budget was so shot that John T. paid my way there and back.

As a result of everyone's help, I have an appointment tomorrow morning for a roof estimate and the guy says he has a list of work for me (we'll see). Anyway, I say again, after 20-years in the Army, you will have a pretty hard time offending me.

It's All Good... David
I am finishing up a house wash yesterday and a genleman walks past me with a gas can as i am Packing up. he stops and asks me how much would i charge? after I tell him how much he said " aw cut me some slack brother I am a vietnam vet" . I dropped the price $75. he said great but he cant right now cuz the funds are low and the debts are high. he tells me where his house was and it was close by so I gave him a ride home. His house was a mess, a white modular with mold all over it and obviously in needed of a cleaning. Before i got to the second job yesterday I decided that i would wash his house for free. its only gonna take me 45 minutes, but it will last him years. I am sure having his house cleaned will make him feel better about his home. This is the only thing i can do to make his life a little better.
I am finishing up a house wash yesterday and a genleman walks past me with a gas can as i am Packing up. he stops and asks me how much would i charge? after I tell him how much he said " aw cut me some slack brother I am a vietnam vet" . I dropped the price $75. he said great but he cant right now cuz the funds are low and the debts are high. he tells me where his house was and it was close by so I gave him a ride home. His house was a mess, a white modular with mold all over it and obviously in needed of a cleaning. Before i got to the second job yesterday I decided that i would wash his house for free. its only gonna take me 45 minutes, but it will last him years. I am sure having his house cleaned will make him feel better about his home. This is the only thing i can do to make his life a little better.

Great job Steven. I love hearing about these stories. I know alot of guys would rather talk about other aspects of the Powerwashing business and that's cool.. But I always love hearing how guys give back to people who could use a helping hand.. That stuff hits home every time... Great job!!
Way to go Stephen. Cleaning for heroes called today to update my info. I hope they find some more work for me to do for the veterans.
Hey Paul you always find a way to help out so many. I'm glad I got to meet ya at the Convention back in 09. Hopefully one of these days I can make it out to your neck of the woods like some others have and enjoy it as well like they have:)
Thats what got me thinking was the "cleaning for heros" program. I read about it here a few weeks back on these bbs. been in the back of my mind since. the opportunity was there yesterday so i took it. just called him and left him a messaage so i am commited now.
I wanted to be emphatic about John and Shelly's sincerity so others might be more apt to nominate other vets the way John T and Allison (Not sure of her last name - eClean Magazine) did me.

Sorry. I have been painting my house and counting down the days until the kids start school (14 to go. woo hoo!) and not paying attention to the boards.

John and Shelly have been wanting to do this program for a long time. The biggest obstacle has been finding vets. My husband -- who is full-time National Guard and works with guys around the country -- has been trying to help locate some, but has not had much luck. John Allison has also contacted a number of veterans organizations to try to get names. It's amazing (and sad) all the red tape that you have to go through, not to mention organizations just not calling you back. That's why getting the publicity out about the program is so important.

All this said, if you know of someone who might be interested and/or qualify, pass the name to John Allison, or send it to me and I'll send to John. I've had people contact me about being a sponsor. It's kind of like the Cleaning for Heroes thing -- which is basically what Steven did, just not under the offical program. (Great job Steven!) Lots more people willing to help than those who are asking for the help.
Sorry. I have been painting my house and counting down the days until the kids start school (14 to go. woo hoo!) and not paying attention to the boards.

John and Shelly have been wanting to do this program for a long time. The biggest obstacle has been finding vets. My husband -- who is full-time National Guard and works with guys around the country -- has been trying to help locate some, but has not had much luck. John Allison has also contacted a number of veterans organizations to try to get names. It's amazing (and sad) all the red tape that you have to go through, not to mention organizations just not calling you back. That's why getting the publicity out about the program is so important.

All this said, if you know of someone who might be interested and/or qualify, pass the name to John Allison, or send it to me and I'll send to John. I've had people contact me about being a sponsor. It's kind of like the Cleaning for Heroes thing -- which is basically what Steven did, just not under the offical program. (Great job Steven!) Lots more people willing to help than those who are asking for the help.
Great post Allison!! I know quite a few guys/gals who want to help but I also understand why people who can use some help that don't ask. All anyone can do is be there when someone in need reaches out.
Great post Allison!! I know quite a few guys/gals who want to help but I also understand why people who can use some help that don't ask. All anyone can do is be there when someone in need reaches out.

I cringe when I hear vets using their status to make people feel guilty so they can get something (just me) and yet there are thousands who just need a little help to get back on their feet. I would have never heard of this if it weren't for John T and Allison and in the process almost turned it all down even though I planned on getting into this field. John T not only pushed a little to get me involved, but helped to overcome obsticles that could have stopped it all.

My point: some vets can be stubborn and hard headed, determined to do it all on their own and asking nothing of anyone. Get them past the: you're not asking and focus them on EnviroSpec is offering, and you may find they are a little more agreeable (or be pushy like John T was). The other obstacle is letting them know this is a real offer. Lets face it, how many offers are out there where someone wants to "give you something (just pay shipping and handleing)..." Have them read this thread because I can tell you, I didn't sign any contract and wasn't asked to do anything other than succeed and get free advice!

I know this is getting long, but let me encapsulate my experience with John and Shelly: We talked for about 20 minutes and then John took me out back where they had a pressure washer hooked up and ready to go. They went over it with me and pointed out that it was mine! From that point on, you would have thought John Allison was shopping for himself as he started adding parts, lances, triggers, and more. If the part he wanted wasn't in, he had a guy build it on the spot. The more I talked, the more he had a guy running to get things. The whole time, he shaared tips and tricks on how to get business and efficiently do the jobs.

Here's an added point: I had a flat tire on the way and while we were at lunch - John had it fixed!

Now we are back from lunch and the building continues. The final touch: add a pump and battery box to the whole system that hooks into the downstream injector to get chemicals through the hose 100's of feet with no drop in chemical amt! Don't stop there... whatever space was left was filled with chemicals to get started and he was prepared to ship more to me at his expense. So, I am completely set up with pressure washer and chemicals, but that would do no good without business.

While I am doing my part to get business, he is creating brochures and will be doing a mass mailing - again, at his expense. I am to go back to Envirospec to learn all about building a pressure washer and rebuilding pumps, and more... at his expense. Of course, the people he had working on this was at his expense as well.

My long winded point: be a John T or Allison Hestor and don't accept that the vet you are talking to shouldn't have this opportunity or that they should do it all on their own. In my case, I would have done it but it would have taken years. Most often a blessing to the receiver is also a blessing to the giver. Both John and Shelly are vets themselves and choose to honor their fellow vets in a very tangible way. Help your vet get past their pride and accept that this is a genuine offer from someone who isn't offering charity but rather an actual opportunity. As they grow, they could repay John and Shelly by helping other vets!

Sorry this took so long. I just wanted to share my experience and give you something to share with any veteran you may be talking with.

Thanks For Listening (Reading) This Rambling Message... David Crockett