
Scott, you do you compare reading on the Ipad to reading a book. I read a LOT. Is it worth switching over? I might pick up one this weekend.

Get it, you wont use your Pc. Once you had mac you'll never go back

Ron Musgraves text me 480-5225227 ???Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Scott, you do you compare reading on the Ipad to reading a book. I read a LOT. Is it worth switching over? I might pick up one this weekend.
For heavy computing, I am not sure the pad is the perfect solution. Now that I have drop box on my iPad, it has suddenly become immeasurably more useful, from a business sense. I also like reading on it. I think a Kindle is actually easier to read on, and has a far greater battery life, but that is if you plan on reading 8 hours, or more, a day. The iPad is nice because it is lit, I can read in a darkened room, if I want. I also like that I can make notes in books on the iPad, as large as I want. I also prefer to surf the web on my iPad, as well.
Since I have regular speaking responsibilities, I like to do outlines and cross reference materials in the notes section of my iPad.
I would buy another one, in a heartbeat, if something happened to this one.
I just ordered the following on CD
[SIZE=-1]"E-Myth Mastery CD"

[SIZE=-1]"Entreleadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches"

[SIZE=-1]"How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age"[/SIZE]

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