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email for invoices, proposals ?


New member
I currently do everything by fax and the files from the program I use don't seem to work as attatchments on email. Is email standard now? Do you prefer it, pros and cons? Do you send as attatchments, and what format?
I do almost everything via email Tom, and when I do need to receive or send a fax I also use my laptop and my account on

Using Quickbooks Pro, all my estimates, invoicing and payments are done via the Internet.

I also have my estimating and invoicing forms saved as Word docs, which I can customize and print on the spot.

If you want, give me a call.
20 years ago we use to do faxes. At that time, faxes was just entering the business field. Allot of business did not have a good enough quality fax or it was only 7,200 k. When emails started to get more user friendly back 9 years ago, we went to the billing via emails.

Now I do nothing but emails. In fact, we discounted our fax number all together some years back.

The benefits of an email shows when the bid / contract was sent out ( All 27 pages ). It also shows when the invoice was sent. This is important due to finance charges. We charge 35 days from the receipt of the email for billing. At 1.5% per month, it adds up. Plus there is no " we never received the bill".
Does the person receiving need to have the same software the document was made in to open it?
No. I use Quick Books, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Page Maker, Adobe In Design and MS Word. I have them converted into a PDF file. Word cannot be converted as easily.
Thanks Jim and Jim. Jim Arizona, I'll try and call you this week.