. The Gov lifted many regulations and the big Corps had a field day using the stupid people tro pad the rich peoples pockets. I dont fault rich people at all, they are just making money, its the companies & Gov that are ripping us off in many cases

Jeff, before I say anything I respect you in the utmost manner, I think you're one of the best pressure washing guys out there. With that said though, I think your political ramblings are out of whack. I don't know what you have against corporations, but there will always be rich people and there will be poor people and there will be those in between. No one or no government can change that, that's a fact of life. Some are smart and others are stupid, also a fact of life. There will be good and bad corporations as well. I really don't know what you think the government did to get corporations to do to scheme money from a 'poor person'. It's all about personal responsibility. The sooner that the 'stupid people' realize that, the smarter they will be.
If you take for example the mortgage crisis. Was it right for those lending agencies to make loans to those that couldn't afford them? Maybe, maybe not. However, was it ok, for someone to take out a loan for something, they knew they couldn't pay back? Absolutely not. If I remember correctly, those companies were made to make those loans available to those that couldn't afford it by the government, who in turn was pressured by the minority groups, is that correct?
To me, it boils down to personal responsibility, let's stop blaming others, and let's start taking personal responsibility for our actions.
People are at where they are in life because of things they have done and/or failed to do, MOST of the time. Blaming someone else, isn't going to solve the problem. The government isn't our nanny. People need to stop relying on the government to fix their problems for them.
I agree with a lot of what I read here, but not all of it. I think the USA needs to stop sending money over seas and start focusing on the problems we have here. Hell I've been saying that for years!!!!!! America is a great country, I fought for it like many others on this BBS but it needs to focus more on what it can do to help the people that live here. Build up our economy, find other sources of fuel, power and water. Get those that want to work a job and those that don't want to work cut them off of benefits. If people want to move to the USA fine let them but make them pay taxes just like the rest of us. Fix our health care, it's a HUGE expensive joke!

Business for me is breaking records this year and I'm glad I started to push into commercial work before the residential market in my area took such a hit. I'm pulling in a lot of local companies in at their standard pricing as subs to keep up with work and give them a hand until the residential market picks up again. There's plenty of work to do if you can market your company properly, it just takes time to figure it out.

What’s in the future of the US?

I traveled around the country and this morning watched way too much television.

This morning I watched a campaign commercial on how bad the economy is. Most of the people saying they are broke are from the Midwest.

I saw the same things, the Midwest while driving seems not as active. I didn’t see as many trucks the stores and restaurants not as busy. Hotels in the east costing less and available. When in the east the hotels sold out the places were busy. When in the south the same thing, people were very busy industry seem to be working.
I’m wondering what our leader are going to do, people want jobs and keep talking about manufacturing. Folks I afraid if you want to work in a factory on assembly you need to move to china, Malaysia or Mexico.
We as Americans need to quit saying brings jobs back, they are not coming back. We as Americans better get back to school and find a place in our current economy to work.
I once would not buy foreign products but now have no choice if I want a car goods or anything else.
My other business we are sending the work overseas to India, they will program ¼ the price and do it better. LOW ballers,,,

The US is being LOW balled; we cannot compete with these countries for goods and service.

It’s difficult, before you get on my case you better check where your hose and you parts are being made. You’re as guilty as I’ am.

I didn’t make this post because I’m doing bad, phoenix is still booming and our market is good. Phx is diversified in the way we have banking and technology. We have a low un-employment and I have relatives in the last year that have moved by me. I have never had more relatives stay in my home in the last year.

I didn’t realize this until I woke up this morning; they really couldn’t find work in IN and OH. They found jobs in Arizona and bought great homes and discounts.

I’m concerned about phx because people are moving in at over 700 a day.

We have always had people moving in and we seemed to accommodate the crowd.

My concern is we all need to think different, if we think we are bringing back ford and GM your nuts. The likely hood of that is as likely as us with drawing our military from IRAC germany, korea or any other place we have had a war.

As Americans how can we change and compete or assist the rest of the world in change we cannot stop?

I had forgotten about this Post