Economy and Diesel prices are getting bad!!!

It is really hitting us hard right now, we payed $4.05 a Gallon yesterday and it's climbing by the day. What really hits us is we run a sweeper with 2 diesel motors and it does burn the fuel out cleaning these lots. I was paying around $2.89 a gallon in Nov and now $4.05 CRAZY.
We are all Screwed, unless they let some of the fuel reserves loose to ease the pain at the pump.

Or, screw the elk in alaska and start drilling, we have pillaged and destroyed most of the planet already, a few elk wont matter much..
The amount of oil is not the problem...they have shut down one of the major pipe lines suppling the oil...and this is their excuse for rising prices among other BS....What has happed is they have run it with little to no maint- putting money in someone's pocket (not mine) now its falling apart and they have to fix it. Well guess who is going to pay for it? There it so much crap going on in this country and look at the presidential race...God help us all
We are all Screwed, unless they let some of the fuel reserves loose to ease the pain at the pump.

Or, screw the elk in alaska and start drilling, we have pillaged and destroyed most of the planet already, a few elk wont matter much..

And here I thought you were an animal lover!:)

Whats the differance where we get what we need for now NASA only gives us till 2036 before the big bang.
Diesel and gas prices are hurting us a bit. I used $56 in diesel for the burner last weekend, and burned up $150 in gas. I do a lot of travel unfortunately. I've never used as much fuel as I use now and have never paid this much for it either. Just sold the motocross bike, solely business and must haves now.
Great white north

It's always greener on the other side of the fence. We have huge amounts of oil in Canada that we export to the USA, yet we are paying about $5.00 a US gal. I don't understand why diesel is even higher. My hot box runs on propane which is still relatively cheap, all things considered.

Hang on to your shorts boys and girls, me thinks it's going to get a little bumpy.
Look at the forclosure filing rates 1 in 142 housholds in Atl, 1 in 61 Nevada, tell me this isnt a problem, man thats horrible. The banks should be shot. I remember you couldnt buy a house unless you could afford it. The banks knew people couldnt afford it, but still gave a these loans, A lot of people are at fault, but the bankers are suppose to be the experts and protect themselves. When I went to build my house they tried to give me more than I wanted or needed and tried some funky loans I said no Fixed rate and that was thatThere was just a lot of real bad business practices and now the country is going to pay for one way or another.



I think you should take a look at this article,

From the article - "From the current hand-wringing, you'd think that the banks came up with the idea of looser underwriting standards on their own, with regulators just asleep on the job. In fact, it was the regulators who relaxed these standards - at the behest of community groups and "progressive" political forces."

I'm not going to quote anymore of the article, just wanted to point out that paragraph. Kinda hard to blame the banks, they knew what the outcome was going to be, nonetheless, they did what they were told.

I think you should take a look at this article,

From the article - "From the current hand-wringing, you'd think that the banks came up with the idea of looser underwriting standards on their own, with regulators just asleep on the job. In fact, it was the regulators who relaxed these standards - at the behest of community groups and "progressive" political forces."

I'm not going to quote anymore of the article, just wanted to point out that paragraph. Kinda hard to blame the banks, they knew what the outcome was going to be, nonetheless, they did what they were told.

I agree that it all was a mess from the beginning, a scam, bad judgement, bad rules and regs and everything else. It became a feeding frenzy for stupidity & greed.

When I went for loans to build my house I was amazed how 3 out of 4 banks pushed hard for me to take different types of stupid loans and they would lie this is after I told them I only wanted a fixed rate and NOTHING else, these were major banks not mortgage brokers. They tried to say we can give you another 100K on top of what I was asking for. These were banks like I said, they didnt have to push me or try to give anything more than I asked for but 3 out of 4 did. The one bank I did biz with and got a good mortgage with helped my get what "I" needed and did not try to sell me on more than I could afford

There is blame all around on this mess, to bad it is really hurting our country and the world
We buy off road #1 300 gal. at a time. Last Dec. when we bought it was 2.93 where the station was 3.45
Ok I have a limited knowlege on what you all are running on diesel. I'm sure most are using it to run your heaters in your machines and mostly for your trucks.... but I do know alot of you clean resturants. How hard would it be for you all to get there greasy oil from the fryers and start making bio-diesel?

Something to think about. I know it will cost abit to convert over, but It will be worth it! I know this will not be for everyone, but there are afew options. I used to work as an engineer for cummins, this stuff works. Also Keep your air filters clean on your trucks. You would not beleave what that can do to to rob you of gas. Keep your trucks tuned up, make small changes, like your gears in the rear end step them up a bit into a higher gear, but not so big you loose your pulling power. Smaller wheels help too. Just some ideas for you all.
Just build it into the price. Unfortunately, it is what it is. Just the cost of doing our business.
Yes this year will not be a record year in sales. I would not want to be starting a new business in this Economy.
Back when I had a salaried job that paid well my wife and I were house shopping. When we went to pre-qualify for a loan I could not believe the amount of money the bank was willing to lend us. I told them I would be nuts to borrow that much money. We bought a house at about half of what we could have at a fixed rate.

The banks did hard sell during the housing boom but they didn't put guns to people's heads and force them to sign ARM or interest only loans for amounts that were rediculous. As house prices continued to rise people pulled equity out of thier homes and added more debt.

I am 50 and when I was growing up people paid for what they bought. Except for your house and maybe a car most people didn't carry a lot of debt. I didn't even get a credit card until I was 26 years old. Now everybody wants everything and they want it now. We are in for some tough times ahead economically. Rising fuel prices are going to further hurt us all because of the impact they also have on food and other things in the economy. Maybe when this is all over we will be a wiser nation and not so easily fooled by all the ads and marketing that sell us useless junk that is just not necessary to have a great life.
Back when I had a salaried job that paid well my wife and I were house shopping. When we went to pre-qualify for a loan I could not believe the amount of money the bank was willing to lend us. I told them I would be nuts to borrow that much money. We bought a house at about half of what we could have at a fixed rate.

The banks did hard sell during the housing boom but they didn't put guns to people's heads and force them to sign ARM or interest only loans for amounts that were rediculous. As house prices continued to rise people pulled equity out of thier homes and added more debt.

I am 50 and when I was growing up people paid for what they bought. Except for your house and maybe a car most people didn't carry a lot of debt. I didn't even get a credit card until I was 26 years old. Now everybody wants everything and they want it now. We are in for some tough times ahead economically. Rising fuel prices are going to further hurt us all because of the impact they also have on food and other things in the economy. Maybe when this is all over we will be a wiser nation and not so easily fooled by all the ads and marketing that sell us useless junk that is just not necessary to have a great life.

Its a greedy world and its hurting all of us now. Banks didn't put guns to anyones head, but if I do bad business practices in my pressure washing business I would expect it to finally put me out of biz, instead we are bailing out banks, speculators, wall street and homeowners. The banks are the experts and I feel they should of been more responsible, it was pure greed

Hell some of those ARMs and mortgage brokers should be against the law, but then people would be saying they don't like regulations or infringing on true capitalism. People can blame it on stupid wannabe homeowners and it is their fault. I still go back to a lot of businesses just did scummy stupid business, might not of hurt their biz and might have made them millions & billions but at what expense , at the expense of an entire country and the world economy is effected too

I got to go I got to go meet with my loan company, I think I need a 52" plasma in all my bedrooms and an addition to my house.....Hell I got plenty of equity LOL
Jeff I agree that greed certainly pushed us to where we are now. Greed by the banks, greed of people who want what they can't afford no matter the price, greedy politicians who promote policy based on what will get them re-elected and not what is best for the country.

I also agree with you that the banks should not be bailed out of this. If my business is hurting because of something that is my own fault will the politicians come running to help me out, heck no.

The problem we are facing as a country now is that all the great economic stuff that happened over the last 15 years or so was smoke and mirrors. It was all built on debt.
Jeff I agree that greed certainly pushed us to where we are now. Greed by the banks, greed of people who want what they can't afford no matter the price, greedy politicians who promote policy based on what will get them re-elected and not what is best for the country.

I also agree with you that the banks should not be bailed out of this. If my business is hurting because of something that is my own fault will the politicians come running to help me out, heck no.

The problem we are facing as a country now is that all the great economic stuff that happened over the last 15 years or so was smoke and mirrors. It was all built on debt.

Smoke , mirrors & debt. yup

I do blame everyone and yes the people who took these loans too. It just amazes me how blind, stupid or greedy people can be
Greedy home buyers wanting more than they can afford and greedy banks lending money to people they shouldn't.

I bet a large percentage of the loans went like this

Well Mr. Loan officer my wife and I make $45,000 between us,so YES we'll take the $750,000 house.
Oh,we don't have a down payment.So we'll need to finance 100% of the purchase price.
Add insurance and property taxes to the monthly payment......hmmm OK.(this is the only smart move they make)
Wow we can get a 2% rate for the first 2 yrs and our payment will only be $875 a month on year 3 the rate climbs to 21% not a problem.
With all the money we'lll save the first 2 yrs we'll be able to make up any difference in the payment.

On yr 3 they freak when their payment jumps to triple what they have already been struggling to make and blame the freakin bank because they couldn't see past the $750K house they had to have to keep up with the Smiths and Jones.

Now the FED wants to save them.Which is BS IMO why should I as a tax payer bail these people out?
I'm not a home owner,would like to be,but wouldn't buy into low rates and payments now and deal with the higher rates and payments later.

If the fed is going to bail out the morons who bought a lot more house than they could afford,maybe they'll help some buy into a house they can afford.

OH and diesel prices have gone up a $1.40 a gallon since I bought my truck last Oct. $4.09 today.Since last thursday I have run through $450 of fuel between my machine and the truck.