Doug had a heart attack

The procedure was a Success, 90% blockage. He is feeling better already.

Looks like no More Cheese Steaks for Doug for a while, good news is he is better.
Ron, were they able to open up the blockage, and put in a stent ? Or, did they have to do open heart surgery ?
I too had a heart attack about a year ago. I also had 90 percent blockage, but in just one small heart artery. The were able to go in through my groin, clear the blockage, and put a stent in me.
My prayers are with Doug.

He's answering text messages, which is a good sign. I got a reply at 7:12am this morning. I hope it's his wife doing the texting so Doug can rest but then again the texting could be therapeutic for him on his road to recovery.

Guys let this be a warning!! If you feel uncomfortable - SEE A DOCTOR. We are all tough guys who think it is nothing, and it could END EVERYTHING! 7 years ago I was doing a lot of cardio work and it just wasn't getting easier and occasionally I would have a minor chest pain. I went in and was 95% blocked in one artery - a big mac away from a full blown heart attack. Mine was strange as the other two main arteries were perfectly normal.

Take care of yourselves and have things like this checked out!
Thanks for all the well wishes, texts, and words of encouragement. I feel like a million bucks after the procedure. Hoping to go home today and will post more then. Again thanks everyone.
Keep kickin' Doug!
So I wonder if that means Pauls "Doug Rucker Memorial sale" is off?

Glad you are on the mend. Is there anyone besides me that remembers when something like this used to put people out of work for months, and in the hospital for weeks?
Wishing you the speediest of recoveries and hoping this Christmas will be the best evey! Try and stay off the wand for a while!