Doug and Ron's Dumb and Dumber Road Trip

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<div class="fb-post" data-href="" data-width="466"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href="">Post</a> by <a href="">Ron Musgraves</a>.</div></div>

You should find room in your suitcase for my hat and shirt.
Im around the corner from Doug, and he knows the coffee is always on.

Otherwise, you guys be safe.
Looks like a stop in Lafayette Louisiana will be made for some gumbo...hope they have burgers....then on to Gulfport/Mobile/Pensacola area????
Hey, Everyone, Ron and I will be traveling on the road from Houston to Orlando for the Powerwashstore event that is being held January 20 and 21 in Orlando, Fl.

We will be leaving Houston on Thursday January 15th and plan to arrive in Orlando on Sunday January 18th. Along the way we would like to make some stops and have a few meet and greets and possibly even visit a job site or two.

We will be traveling on I-10 and the various cities we could possibly stop at are:

Beaumont, Tx,
Lake Charles, LA, Lafayette, LA, Baton Rouge, LA
Gulfport, MI Biloxi, MI
Mobile, AL
Pensacola, Fl Tallahassee, FL Lake City, Fl Gainesville, Fl Ocala, Fl

Obviously it would really be Dumb to just stop in these cities and not have some type of meeting already prearranged, so I would like to know if anyone in or near these cities is interested in meeting up as we travel the road less traveled. It would also be even dumber to think we could stop at each of theses cities so we are looking for some common areas we could meet. (Immediately of I-10)

So if you are in our travel path, and are interested in hooking up, post up here and let us know and I'll let you know once I finalize our trip.

I know what your saying,"this sounds dumb"....but believe me, I been dumber.

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<div class="fb-post" data-href="" data-width="466"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href="">Post</a> by <a href="">Ron Musgraves</a>.</div></div>

Who's Ready for this????
This is a great way to pay for you guys vacation..
I found out my uncle passed away last night on my way back from Santa Monica ! Might not make this trip. I'll know better today when all my aunt calls me about the services.

Ron Musgraves

Im sorry for your loss, sending prayers your families way.