Don KING,, Only in America BABY!!!!

Heavy-weight boxing has been ruined by Don King.
Then King has a following that's been taking his lead.
Anytime they have a boxer that's only half way decent they get him fights he will win to pad his record (they never allow a fight that might even be close). That's why you see boxers still fighting even when their record is 1W-64L.

Personally I like the women fighters - they have a lot of heart and some are even pretty decent for the early stage of Women Boxing. Seen Layla Ali fight a couple of times along with Foreman's daughter. Also a Canadian girl named Rakoczi - excellent boxer. Foreman and Rackoczi were on a card together in 2 separate fights. After the fight we were having late dinner in the casino restaurant and were sitting next to them. We had almost an hour of friendly conversation with them and some other fighters. Very nice group of people.

I don't know if you remember a Cincinnati fighter (back a few years) by the name of Aaron Pryor. Very promising career. He always came out swinging from the time the bell rang. After a few major fights he drowned himself in drugs in South-Miami with some of his cousins (rough neighborhood). He's clean now, but it's too late. His son is fighting now but has a different style.

Go Women Boxing!

I remember Aaron Pryor. I think he beat a very good fighter in the eighties twice, Alexis Arguello(Can't spell). Aaron could have gone down with the greats if he had stayed away from the drugs. A tragic story. He's lucky to be alive today.

Aother wasted talent who I hope can get his act together before its to late is Daryl Strawberry from the baseball world. I seen him play in his heyday and he was super talented. He would have been up there in the Barry Bonds level today if only he had stayed away from the drugs. These are all tragic stories that hopefully have good endings even though most of these stars have waisted there talent. To stay alive for them is a major accomplishment in itself.
I'm surprised there aren't more that go down the wrong path.
Can you imagine being 19-21 years old and making $4 or $5 million a year after coming off a farm or out of the 'hood.
You hear stories of some of the players from a few years ago now are selling cars or going door to door selling steaks. Didn't know how to manage money. Now a lot of the major leagues are offering financial planning and guidance.

However much we may dislike Tyson's activities and character, there is one thing you cannot take away from him - he CAN fight! He is only approx 5' 9" and would be a natural 190 pounds - about the same size as Sonny Liston and Joe Frazier - but he is definitely an animal. He would fight King Kong. That kind of fighter will give you nightmares.

There is nothing new about mismatching heavyweights. The classic case is that of Primo Carnera - back in my era. He was as ungainly as a drunk - I've stood at ringside and watched him flounder about. Your mother could have whipped him, and yet he was given a steady stream of bums until he became world champ. I think he was selected because he was a big (about 6'7") fearsome-looking guy who was very dense and torpid. I remember when Pete Radamacher (sp) fought Joe Louis for the world title - and it was Radamacher's first pro fight! A real laugher. Don King has nothing new - he is just a smart, energetic promoter.

For every George Foreman there are hundreds of washed-up fighters hovering between penury and poverty. The majority are brain-damaged. Joe Louis was a 'greeter' in Las Vegas in exchange for a place to flop and a meal. Jerry Quarry (a young, really good heavyweight and once my stablemate) made millions, and yet wound up on $600/month soc security disability living with his brother. He couldn't even dress or shave himself, and if allowed out of the yard would get lost like a stray dog, and had to be returned home. He died in 1999 somewhere in his late 50s. He is typical. Thank God none of my kids or grandkids wanted to box! I would support abolishment.
Sorry Ron, you have just demonstrated a complete ignorance of the fight game.
Hold on RJ. I think you’re trying to insult me. Don’t worry because you can’t..LOL

I would like you to list these champions Tyson beat during his rein. The word champion is plural.

To put Tyson even in the same category and Joe, Ali, George, Sonny or any other real champion is silly. These guys fight with skills and technique.

Don King avoided the current Champion for almost Ten year because he was not on his payroll. Come on is doesn’t take a rocket science to see this.

Holy field with boxing skill rock Mike’s world twice. Buster Douglas a no name nobody got lucky. Tell me how many other champions in there prime got knocked out by a lucky punch. Tyson had trouble with big guys and skilled boxers.

The only fight that I can recall was that black champion from the UK… I believe that guy was paid to take a Dive or he was a has been also.

If you don’t think Boxing is fixed? Well then I will have to ask who’s ignorant?
I have to disagree with you there about Mike Tyson. Mike Tyson happened to peak at a very early age. Alot of sport people have peaked at early ages and they could never regain that height again. Especially Female Tennis Players.

Of Course at times Boxing can and is fixed. Over the years every sport at one time or another has been fixed. OF a matter of fact almost any competitive event has been fixed at one time or another. From selecting a Pope, Voting for Politicians..You get the idea.

The less people involved the easy it is to put the fix in. And most Boxers where never known to be real smart. There were a few such as Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard, and that Jersey Kid(Can't think of his name) who were knowned to be extremely smart.

If I had to name the best Heavyweight champions at the earliest stages of there careers Mike Tyson No doubt would be in my top 5 list. And believe it or not he was very studious about the boxing game when Cus Damato was alive. He ate, breathed, and studied Boxing. Most boxing experts know this.
No Ron, I am not trying to insult you - you do that all by yourself. Good night, I don't even know you! I have never been part of nor witnessed a 'fixed' fight (whatever that is) in the heavier weight divisions. It would be hard to pull off - anyone who has been in there knows when a fighter is pulling his punches. Of the 4 you mention in 3rd ppg only Ali had any skill whatsoever. A shorter guy can almost never outbox a tall, skilled fighter like Ali, therefore he has got to be a destroyer to be successful. If he is that, the more compact guy has the advantage.

I can see your comments are calculated only to generate conversation. It would behoove you to visit a local boxing gym and see what really goes on. This is where the real vicious brawls take place. You will come away with a very different perspective.

I agree with a lot of the points you make but I think you're a bit naive if you don't think heavy weight boxing has been manipulated at one time or another on who wins a specific match.
Some of it has been obvious (with instant replay). I've seen guys go down when a punch was no closer than an inch away from them.

Also, I consider nothing great about Don King, other than being the greatest, most obvious, crook of the bunch. To me that's not a distinction to admire. He's not satisfied with all the money he makes, he has to try and suck every cent out of his boxers pockets. Now, I know others do it also, and I have no admiration for those folks either.

I watched the Tysons hearing in Vegas and it was obvious that all his skills have diminished, including his ability to lie. He wanted his license back but he couldn't even hold back from insulting the panel (shows how much tunnel vision he has). Tyson just does not posses the skills he once had. Some get better as they age, but he has not.

I know they have mis-matched boxers thru it's history, it's just more obvious than ever due to the technology age. Does not make it any less insulting to the fans. They did it with Foreman also, but to me he has class. I put him up there with Ali in the class category.

The real question is:

Can Tyson stay out of jail before his next fight?
Both need to be taken behind the ole barn and shot in the head. Do it twice just to make sure.
Both need to be taken behind the ole barn and shot in the head. Do it twice just to make sure.

I venture to think, I probably have spent $300-$400 dollars on Don King promotions. Never again.
I am no Big Tyson fan(now),I was when he was in his prime.If you look at film of him when he was in his prime,you can see the almost prehistoric ferocity that he displayed,it was almost scary to watch,when he attacked.I have boxed as an amateur,for the better part of4 years when I was younger and my father was a promising welter weight in the sixties (22 straight ko's amateur, 2,ko's pro) that got sidelined with family responsibilities,so I have a little background to speak from.leaving the Cus Damato camp was his major downfall.The sly con man that is Don King,played to the wild Ghetto side of Tyson that he was pulled out of ,by Cus Damato,and things have just spiralled downward since.I really think that Tyson today has become a psychopath, with no stability whatsoever,going from calm to insane in the blink of an eye.I watched The Tyson-Lewis fight live and could not believe that was Tyson.I later heard rumors that Tyson was on some type of tranquilizer to keep him from getting out of hand before the fight,or doing something insane during the fight,since there was stipulations in the fight contract pertaining to this,that would forfeit part of the purse,due to Tysons antics in the past.Whether this is true or not ,who knows,but watching that fight,that is the only thing I could imagine.I know it is hard to feel sorry for someone who has his wealth,and fame,but it is sad to watch the sideshow freak he has become,knowing he could have been one of the all time greats(was in his early 20's) with his natural talents.By the way I still would not get in the ring with Tyson with everyone of the members on this board with me(maybe if we all had .45's in each hand).I think he still is a very dangerous fighter ,whoever he faces.As far as Don King,he should be sharing a jail cell with al sharpton,They could do each others hair!
Just my 2 cents............... Jim