Don KING,, Only in America BABY!!!!

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Don KING,, Only in America BABY!!!!

This guy is the real problem around boxing. Tyson only cares about the payday. I personally am done with Tyson boxing. If they have a rematch I don’t care who Tyson fights I will not watch it for free!!!.

Don King as far as I’m concerned is a thug, just like Tyson is and idiot. He may be a millionaire but that doesn’t make him anything special to me.

Don kings been taking our money and we keep letting him. Fixing the matches only allowing his own fighters to fight for world championship spots.

Jon Fife, I not picking on you specifically, I respect your patriotism towards Americans. I just differ in opinion on this one. If don king would have let Tyson fight Lewis in his prime we may not even remember Tyson. He’s is a looser and will never be champ again unless someone takes a Dive.

Anyone remember chavez and witicker? I think I spelled the names wrong?
I have to agree with you, Don King is a real problem, I think (not sure) that he is not allowed to promote fights in the UK anymore, as far as I am concerned he should be snubbed everywhere, infact I dont think I would be going to far to say, he should be in jail.
The reason Tyson will never be a champ again is because he is too old. Why is Tyson boxing?? Go check the whole last year of threads and see if there are any regarding the Rahman/Lewis fight, Holyfield/Rahman fight, etc. On the different boards there have probably been 100 posts regarding this fight. Why??? Plain and simple, Tyson is the most popular thing in boxing. I bet most would say they always listen to any interview with Tyson, because most likely you will get your money's worth. The guy is a lot of fun to listen to. I'll gladly watch any fight he is in just in case he bites someone again or does something else stupid. Guys, this is boxing. We are not talking about a terribly classy sport at this point. Boxing is one rung above WWF (WWE) in my opinion.

If a baseball player acted like Tyson, ya, i'd be pissed. Baseball is a game of class and respect in my opinion, quite the opposite of boxing. Tyson is The Greatest Show In Boxing, that is why we are still talking about this. And yes, i don't think Lewis could have beaten Tyson when he was 21.
thanks for the b,day greetings, but as far as boxing being just one rung above wwf, aparently you've never boxed or watched it!
No I've never boxed but I have scrapped a couple and guess what, I was made to look stupid.....why.....cause theres a big difference between a boxer and a scrapper
Tyson too old? Nah, he is only 34. I predict we will see much more of Tyson. If he were a feather or lightweight he would be too old, but heavyweights mature much later than lighter weight classes. A 24 year old heavy is just beginning his career, however a 25 year old featherweight might well be washed up. Welters and middles seem to peak at about 26. It's just a strange fact of boxing. B/t/w, Tyson took a terrible lacing - this sort of fight cannot be staged. I don't much care for Tyson, but he did show that there is no dog in him.

Staging, I realize that fight was not staged. Tyson lost!!!! In the past he was set up with bums. Someone tell me whom Tyson beat that was truly world class? Who????? Don’t give the names of guys that where once great and they fight mike early in his career.

I know some don’t agree and think I’m nuts that Don King has been creating his own little WWF with pro boxing.

Chavez & the pretty boy are real champions. Ali was a real Champ, maybe some think Ali is a Draft dodger. That’s another story. Ali Frazier homes and even maybe cooney would have Knocked Tyson’s block off in their Prime.

Sorry guys I think this guy cant box and I would step in the ring with mike for 27 mill……
And Ron You would leave with serious brain damage if you fought Iron Mike. Your head would be like the shaken Baby Syndrome where your Brain seperates from your Skull and 27million or Billion can't fix it.

Jon fife in my mind is exactly right what he is saying about Mike Tyson. Being a boxing fan myself, between the ages of 20-25 in the history of boxing there weren't to many Heavywieghts better then Mike was at that age.

The only 2 fighters that I have seen that could have beat him were Ali and Forman. My favorite Joe Frazier would have been knocked out. If you look at the way these guys threw there main punches none of them threw them with the velocity as Iron Mike except for maybe Joe Frazier and Ernie Shavers. Iron Mike might have broke Ali Jaw the same way Ken Norton did way back when.

Tyson peaked young as alot of other Athletes did and then burned out. In Tyson case it was largely to do with Don King, Life style and flat out stupidity.

In closing the shame of it all was that Tyson had no Joe Frazier or Goerge Forman or Even Ken Norton to fight like Ali did.

Another similarity to this in a small way is Roberto Duran who in his prime no one I mean NOBODY could beat but that is what he fought because there were no real Great fighters around when he was winning all those years. Then along comes Sugar Ray Leonard who has Wilfred Benitez, Hit man Hearns and Of course Marvelous Marvin Hager to fight in there primes. Roberto Duran would have Decimated all of them if they were fighting in Durans prime.

SO Tysons legacy will go down as he beat no one and he was over rated. But a true fan knows that Tyson for a 5 yr span was a Major Force and he wasted it.
John T,
Correction - Duran dominated the 135 lb class - both Hearns and Hagler were natural 160 pounders. Losta difference. Duran would be no match for either of these - I assure you he would readily admit the same. It was no trick for Duran to reach his 'walking around' weight of 210 and then train for a 135 limit match, however the 'fighting' weight is what counts. One thing a novice learns early on is that the bigger they are, the harder they HIT. Secondly, any hard-punching fighter (like Shavers) can easily knock out anyone if they land one of those bombs on the angle of the jaw. No one is immune.
You are right about Ron. In less than one minute he would discover what a horrible mistake he made. If he tries to run he would be hit so hard in the back of his head he would have knuckle marks in his forehead. If he lies down he would not receive his purse. There may be one way to salvage some income - he could seek a sponsor to place advertising on the soles of his shoes.
B/T/W, the classic middles match between Leonard and Benitez could never produce a real torrid fight. They were brothers-in-law. Too bad.
RJ Travel,
I stand corrected about Duran's weight class(Time fogs the memory)

Your post about Ron was funny and right you are about Sugar Ray and Wilfred Benitez.

Of all the Boxing I seen over the last 30 yrs I would put Tyson on top of my list as the consistently hardest throwing puncher. Just ahead of Joe Frazier and Goerge Forman in his prime.

For the lighter weights Julio Chavez, Hit Man Hearns and Boom Boom Mancini come to mind. Roy Jones isn't to shabby either.

As for Ron the only way he would make Money is to put advertising about this bb on the sole of his shoes when he is laying on the mat because Tyson just breathed on him. LOL

Check that, Ron doesn't want to make money from this bb. Oh well Back to Powerwashing for him. lol
I go back decades earlier than your 30 years - has anyone ever heard of Jose Pimentel? He was a banty who, the last I heard, had 98 fights and 98 knockouts. I don't think that record has ever been duplicated. Few remember the lighter weight classes, however these little guys were real warriers. As for Joe Frazier I remember him when he first came to L A from the east in order to spar with west coasters. I think he came out with Rubin Carter - they both trained at Main St Gym at 3rd & Main in L A (no longer there). I have never seen anyone with such stamina. They took sparring seriously - I had no desire to spar with either. On the heavy bag he never let up during the one minute between rounds. An 8 round workout for him meant 32 minutes of very heavy punching. I can't think of anyone else in the world who could do that. If only he were bigger than his 5' 10'' frame.

Stick with powerwashing. It is not only safer but more lucrative. I have tried both and would have been a good fighter except one problem - I had bad hands. I never was able to hit anyone - the referees kept stepping on them every time I visited the canvas.
John and Richard,

I used to live with a guy here ( a close friend) that had a cousin that was a rather well known story in boxing. In fact, they had about an 8 page story about him in Sports Illustrated about 5 yrs. ago.

He was a white kid from TN that was fighting one of the best in the country in his weight class in NYC i believe. He actually died from results of the fight. His competitor had removed the stuffing from his gloves as was later proven. This kids' dad was his trainer, and after the fight discovered the padding in a locker room trash can. Screwed the kid's head up and caused him to wreck his car, thus causing his death. This white kid from what the article said was going to beat Sugar Ray, he was supposed to be that good.

Do you guys remember hearing about that?? Early 80's I believe. This kids dad still lives here in Nashville and trains pit bulls to fight now. Oh well, thought it was a cool story, wanted to see if you guys remembered it. I'll find his name tomorrow and see if you've heard of him.

Yeah I saw the fight. If memory serves Johnny Resco was the other fighter. Trainer (Bundini Brown) and Resco were never again allowed in pro boxing. I never did understand why his corner (dad) allowed Billy to continue. It was a fearsome beating over 10 long rounds. That is an eternity when you are taking a whuppin. After that fight he was walking on his heels. They were pretty fair middleweights, but certainly not contender class - just pretty good.

I can remember a number of deaths as a result of boxing, but usually there is a reason other than legitimate boxing. For example, I remember when Benny Kid Paret died in a fight with Emile Griffith down in San Juan(?) - about late 50s. In those days the ring posts were uncovered and Paret's head kept hitting the steel post. I saw Johnny Owens collapse and die in the ring, but it could have happened anywhere.

This is not to justify boxing. It can be vicious and unsavory. National regulation is needed. Even when the animal Tyson bites off an ear he has not done anything new. Once in Mexico City during a fight in the bullring a guy got his ear bit off. They put his ear on the ring post and called for the doctor to sew it back on. By the time the doc reached ringside a nearby burro saw his chance and ate the ear. Some sport eh?
How about the fight in the early to mid Eighties with one of my favorites(And a terrible actor) Boom Boom Ray Mancini and Du Ku Kim. I don't recall anything illegal in that brawl and a brawl it was which resulted in the death of Kim. A fight for the ages.

Other classics that stick out in my mind where Hit Man Hearns and Marvelous Marvin Hagler in that 3 round brawl. And the last 10 seconds in the Meldrick Taylor and Julio Chavez fight where if the fight went another 5 seconds Meldrick Taylor would not be alive to talk about it.

A great fighter 30+ years ago was Carlos Monzon who I think fought in the 135 or so weight class. He ended up around 88-0. Never lost.

I had the honor of meeting Billy Costello who is an ex champ I believe the class under middle weight, Vito Antifermo(Who Marvin Hagler beat to become champion) a couple of times and Hector Camacho the Macho man(Idiot). I actually had words with him after he signed something for me because I told him afterwords that Boom Boom Mancini was going to rip his head off. Mistake by me because for one at that moment I was halfed Bagged from drinking at this fundraiser I was at and Camacho has a real bad temper. It was fun pissing him off though. He ended up beating the hell out of Boom Boom.

Oh well. I can't fight anyway but I can sure powerwash with the best of them.:)

If you have the chance catch the Barrera/Morales fight on HBO June 22. These guys are featherweights and it's a rematch. The first fight was a war and one of the best fights I've ever seen. Pound for pound Barrera might be the best fighter breathing these days.
As I recall Monzon was a middleweight who could jab and run. Don't recall his knockout record, but I don't think he ever hurt anybody. Makes for a dull fight, but keeps his brain intact. Guys like him who can really move are very, very hard to hit. I've sparred with some of the top middles contenders (long before the Monzon/Hearns/Hagler era). The top fighters are so good it is hard to believe. The ordinary Joe Paloka has no chance at all.

Costello was a brawler. With guys like him skill is replaced with sheer guts and a hard head. As years go by most often they are brain damaged. Same with Mancini and Antifermo. With Vito he really couldn't fight much - just took punchs until his opponent wore out. Camacho is another story. Very good boxer who could punch some. Good thing you didn't piss him off too much. I've seen some of his interviews - it is apparent he took way too many punchs.

I remember being so frustrated once that my handler made a joke at my expense. In the corner he said "just keep winging punchs - you will never hit him but the wind might give him a cold and weaken him".

There are stories behind many of those you see on TV fights, etc. For example, you may see referee Richard Steel. I remember him as the best lightheavyweight I have ever seen. He would have killed Bob Foster. He was destined to become champion, but he took an overweight fight. The guy outweighed him by approx 90 pounds, but Steel was taking him apart. Steel was built like a Mr America with no fat at all. One punch during that fight caught Steel in the ribs and broke his rib(s). He was still able to pound the guy, but the break was so bad that, to my knowledge, Steel was never allowed to fight again. He was a great one. Some of those old guys you see in the corners (ala Dub Huntley; Adolf Pruitt, etc) were once great fighters.
Now I remember - I think it was Billy Collins and Johnny Resto. Horrible one-sided beating. If it were my son I woulda stopped it in the second round - for sure. As I recall he suffered so much brain damage he couldn't fight again, and about one year later he ran his car off the road and was killed.
I wouldn't watch Tyson fight if they paid me.
What a loser (he just doesn't get it). It takes more than fighting skills to be respected.
