Do you like the New format?

Ron Musgraves said:
MIke, you have a graphic artist at your disposal, use some proffessionalism and get him to craft you a better logo with a fresh look. Try comunicating and see if you can get it done. Dont change my post to you because you dont like my language. this is PWI and if you dont like it then give someone else the BBS.

im confused.......i dont recall changing any of your posts, Ron.
Ron Musgraves said:
MIke, THe email is not working,, says the aaaaaaaaaaaaaadmin has it off... Should we all just go find a free BBS? or is this one going to start being freeeeee?????????????????

Ron, That is something that got messed up with the upgrade to V3. Do you think you could use some professionalism and simply tell me its a problem minus the sarcasm?

I hadnt tried to email anyone though the bbs since the upgrade, so I was unaware. I'm very sorry that happened. I need the help of you guys to tell me anything you see wrong........that I may need to adjust. I have looked though some of the settings, but there are pages and pages of them...........I, nor anyone else can get them all right off the bat.

I was given NO NOTICE of when this upgrade was taking place. Don't you think that would have been a good thing? I could set aside some time to straighten it out? Instead, lets screw it all up, watch me flounder to fix it then publically criticise...........bravo!

Also, I did respond to both of the emails you sent me...........unless I missed one?
Ron Musgraves said:
Mike upset me with and e-mail and obviuosly he does not read his e-mails from anyone. I sent him and e-mail that Adam who works for my staff can handle any graffic changes to the site and that Mike the web master can install any hack he wishes. My point is to own something like this you need to take people up on there offers. PWI is something i started and now reflects a failied attempted of and active BBS. I dont have the time and i gave it to mike Under the agreement that it would remain Free and no one would profit. Thats all that has happened.

If Mike shows interest in taking care of the site he can, if not i'm not going to waist the money supporting it as a failier. four things can happen, close it, Run it correctly, give it up or start covering the costs. The last one is not really the issue, but if we cannot reconcile diffrences then maybe he should move it off my server.

Lets see what happens.................................???????????

I think I missed an email from you. We discussed on the phone........or was it an IM about making a list of hacks to install. I have two emails from you...............the most recent about the colors............the other was just one sentence, and fairly blunt. The next email I have from you ( I never delete any of them) is from March 2004.

I missed that message you're talking about, somewhere............I'm sorry Ron. I will compile that list very soon, as there are some hacks I know the bbs will greatly benefit from. I appreciate the offer, and will certainly take you up on it.
I meant no harm regarding the logo you posted. The only thing about it that bothered me was the brick. I would like to see it without the brick, out of curiosity. You are a talented cartoonist and graphics person.

As for being active here, some of you know what my year was like last year, but many don't. I'll simply say that I had less than half of the time I normally would have had available, due to certain circumstances.

One day I came up here and found I had been removed from moderator status, which I can understand since I had not had time to login much at all. I do pop in from time to time mostly to read now, and I think I always will here. I spent alot of time here in the past posting and sharing, and helping Ron with the BBS. Ron has great insight and ideas. Mike is extremely busy and doesn't have as much time to implement them as he might like. Mike has shown in the past that he is very dedicated to this BBS as well. I hate to see this kind of skirmish taking place up here, and agree with mike that putting feelings aside and addressing concerns professionally is the best way to go.

Also Ron, not to stir your pot, but didn't you give this BBS to Mike? I mean, I know it's like a baby to you, always will be, but if you give something to someone, isn't it theirs? I would hate to see you get called an Indian Giver after all you have done. I certainly don't think you mean to come off like that. I think you mean well - you want to see the BBS thrive.

Also the upgrade to v3 isn't always smooth, I can attest 1st hand. There can be glitches. I support Mike and his efforts to embrace the upgrade and work through the bugs and glitches.

Beth :cool:
Beth & Rod said:
Also the upgrade to v3 isn't always smooth, I can attest 1st hand. There can be glitches. I support Mike and his efforts to embrace the upgrade and work through the bugs and glitches.

Beth :cool:

No one knows that better then you, Beth! ( x 2 )
Mike, I sent you and E-mail saying that I had posted a few Logos as examples but would not consider using them. Its was in fun, your response you wrote and maybe now you know why i'm upset. You simply do not listen.

Beth, PWI runs under terms and condition's. Its all pressure washers BBS and will remain to run at no one persons benifit. BEth with all due respect your into a personal issue here and Mike and i will work it out publically. YEs right here we will come to and understanding that infact the BBS i gave Mike will start getting the attention or he can take one of the four options or formulate a new one here and present it. ((((((((((((PERIOD))))))))))))
Hi Ron,
Perhaps you're right. Maybe I am stepping up and speaking how I feel, and you might see that as stepping in. However, there was a time when we all posted freely here - that included me. Well, as a member I just told you I find it very distasteful to air this in public. I was hoping that you would see that this thread in a public area can't benefit the members. You might consider taking this discussion to the moderator area is all I am saying.

I'm not trying to step in or on anyones toes. I hate seeing the two of you go at it like this.

Good luck to you both in working it out.
p.s. if you are trying to drive traffic by doing this in public...I'm sure it's working. :)
I have a different View, Mike and i have had a misunderstanding. I want everyone to realize this. I dont want anymore missed e-mail and I'm tired of phone calls from others asking if this BBS is going to be here tomorrow.

MIke and i are somewhat proffessional Guys and i'm not trying to pick on him. we will either work thru this and make this BBS a better place or he will move on and so will i.

You see Beth when you give something away under terms and conditions you need to uphold your part. I have paid for the costs and i support this BBS. Mike is the Admin and he has done little and at times only because i gave him a boost. Its not easy running the show and you know from your own BBS And the PWNA. people what things yesterday and theres only so much time in the day.

MIke, lets Roll and see who wants to really help.
You're right. Running a BBS takes time and effort.
Rod and I wish you both the best.
