Do you like the New format?

It surprised me. I have not checked in for a few days and come back and see this. Definitely not the same PWI!!!

It is probably better, but I need to get used to it, and how fast it is.

New Logo

hey ron do you like this one email me or call me i had to resize in order for it to post


  • guygrad13.gif
    122.3 KB · Views: 90
It takes some getting used to, but the new version has some great new features. I've been using this on other boards for quite some time now, and frankly it was annoying me that PWI was still on the old format.

I'm sure it will grow on everyone.

P.S. That particular logo is an eyesore if you ask me.
MIke, you have a graphic artist at your disposal, use some proffessionalism and get him to craft you a better logo with a fresh look. Try comunicating and see if you can get it done. Dont change my post to you because you dont like my language. this is PWI and if you dont like it then give someone else the BBS.
For the record again since you dont read e-mails, Adam works on my E-bay and propowerwash Staff... hes and IT man. he can or amanda can write or make any changes or hacks this BBS wants.

Anyone finds or like the way another BBS is working they can install it.
I agree with Mike about the logo. I think the old logo and color scheme would be great up here combined with the fresh install.

Good luck all!
Beth, thanks for your opinion.. It needs a fresh Look..and a face lift. as you can see the admin has not seen the thread or just chooses not to respond. If your going to admin PWI it needs to be taken care of. PWI was a contender and now has fallen. Web speed is not the issue,,, i believe Mike Needs a wake up. He should pass the BBS on or give it what it deserves. I'm tired of e-mails about the site.

Keep this in mind Beth you too have abandoned the site as well. This site is still free and remains one of the only places on the internet you can post your opinions freely. Yes you can also display profiles and send E-mails to whom ever you want. The BBS also used to have open access.

This BBS was built for Pressure washer by pressure washers. Some remember this and i'm very happy to see this. Some of you have forgotten that PWI is only taken care of by Mike and the Pressure washers are suppose to feel that they are a part of the BBS because its for them. PWI makes no one money and Mike donates his time to running the site. The site was given to him as a Number one site according to ranking. Now it does not even show on the rankings.

Mike upset me with and e-mail and obviuosly he does not read his e-mails from anyone. I sent him and e-mail that Adam who works for my staff can handle any graffic changes to the site and that Mike the web master can install any hack he wishes. My point is to own something like this you need to take people up on there offers. PWI is something i started and now reflects a failied attempted of and active BBS. I dont have the time and i gave it to mike Under the agreement that it would remain Free and no one would profit. Thats all that has happened.

If Mike shows interest in taking care of the site he can, if not i'm not going to waist the money supporting it as a failier. four things can happen, close it, Run it correctly, give it up or start covering the costs. The last one is not really the issue, but if we cannot reconcile diffrences then maybe he should move it off my server.

Lets see what happens.................................???????????
wow what critisism!

Well the new logo is a test obiously most people think its an eyesore? But its something different the old logo is too plain. I agree that i went too far with bricks but use constructive critisim or make your own #$$@@# logo! I have 20 different logos this is only one of them. I do this for fun its not my primary trade.
Have A Great Day
I apoligize for these people, many volinteers themselves,, Shocking to me and i'm realizing things as this unfolds. Maybe they dont want this to be the Number one stop.

Some will think I told you to make that post above, be asssured Adam has feelings and i have not even showed him your E-mail MIke.

I'm waiting for and apoligy or and alternative.
computerbytes said:
Well the new logo is a test obiously most people think its an eyesore? But its something different the old logo is too plain. I agree that i went too far with bricks but use constructive critisim or make your own #$$@@# logo! I have 20 different logos this is only one of them. I do this for fun its not my primary trade.
Have A Great Day

I think many are tired of the muscular pressure wash guy. Maybe something that doesn't have a person in it, but rather just graphic logo using PWI or something?

You obviously have talent in graphic design, and many of us appreciate your efforts.
Mike Hughes said:
P.S. That particular logo is an eyesore if you ask me.

I agree with Ron on this one...this is a really lousy and tasteless way to tell someone you don't care for what they've done.

My personal opinion, I think this board is done unless something is done to attract people to post. Without posts, no one is going to come here. If no one comes here, no one will post.

When Beth left, she took quite a few with her. Most of those folks rarely if ever post here anymore. I'm not saying she did anything wrong, but the fact remains that people are going to go where the action is, and right now, it isn't here unless you're a hood cleaner.

What can be done to fix it? Maybe a facelift will help...I've noticed things are (and have been for a short time) much faster here...that will help too. Beyond that, I really don't know.
one, Beth has done nothing wrong,, she has just built a better place and people have made a choice. She should be lifted up on a pedistal for the work with her own site. Keep in mind its a for profit site. this drive the speed and the motivation. I have lost motivation for PWI long ago, I thought it was in good hands, I still think Mike could do the JOb. But still no reply no i'm sorry for the problems, no I'm having my own trouble. No post no excuse. Frankly I'm tired of excuses, I just like to see this site do somthing besides take up 50 gig on my hard drives. if its going to it should at least have a reason to exsist.

Mike please tell me your concerned and that from this day forward all members willing will help make this a better site. .....

I'm going to start a post asking for help and see how many we have to help. To share in making this a good site again.
Count me in Ron!
Ron Musgraves said:
one, Beth has done nothing wrong,, she has just built a better place and people have made a choice. She should be lifted up on a pedistal for the work with her own site.

I wasn't saying she did anything wrong...But the fact remains that when she did start up her board, many left this one. Good or bad, right or wrong, that's the facts. I enjoy her board, and made a point in my prior post to say that she didn't do anything wrong. That's not the impression I wanted to make
Thanks oneness

Thanks for you opinion and professionalism i will work on a logo without a character it was hard trying to find a guy with a grad suit that was muscularand not so nerdy so thats why i tried moding the power wash guy thanks again
while you was away ron....i posted a few times asking people to post and keep the board going....nothing heard from anyone.

i hope it picks up as it used to be one of my favorite bbs....lets roll.