Do not post here,

Jusst found out that a bunch of us were posting and you guys couldn't see it....Guess we were kicked out!!!!
Not sure if others besides me and Larry were having problems but I was posting a lot the whole time but people were not responding, kind of like if I was being blocked like Larry.

I was kicked out many times tonite, not sure why but that sucks, almost like if someone did not want people from certain areas talking about certain things like trying to censor us for some silly little reason.

Why would small minded people do that?
Jusst found out that a bunch of us were posting and you guys couldn't see it....Guess we were kicked out!!!!
I was wandering why you were so quiet!
I was wandering why you were so quiet!
Me Quiet!!! Dude I was posting tons of stuff. I kept trying to talk to you and was getting nothing from anyone. I could see what I was posting but getting no respose....
I saw when Larry logged on and there were around 20 or more people on most of the time when Ron was there but you did not see them post.

Larry said that he posted and saw what he posted but others could not see what he typed.

The same thing happened to me.

Is that a feature that you can keep everyone from seeing certain people?

That would be a good way to keep some people from having the opportunity from winning or chatting with others......Censoring.....Wow.

Is this chat site Ron's? Does anyone pay so we can use it or does anyone own it???? Just wondering.
I saw when Larry logged on and there were around 20 or more people on most of the time when Ron was there but you did not see them post.

Larry said that he posted and saw what he posted but others could not see what he typed.

The same thing happened to me.

Is that a feature that you can keep everyone from seeing certain people?

That would be a good way to keep some people from having the opportunity from winning or chatting with others......Censoring.....Wow.

Is this chat site Ron's? Does anyone pay so we can use it or does anyone own it???? Just wondering.

I guess we need a new Chat, what happened deserves an apology to who ever Mike has as mods. It was real and someone thought it was funny.

I guess it we will have to change the place to give away the serious prizes.
Ron you need to indicate what time zone you refer to when you post - I was there but YOU weren't :) Apparently I was several hours early.
Aparently someone thought that was funny. Guess who

I'm just happy that you didn't want to have us post something on the chat to win $$... That could have really cost someone big time!!!
When people are there trying to learn to help their business grow, try to win prizes, enjoy fellowship with other contractors and they are being censored.......What kind of small-minded, A**hole would think that would be funny?

Maybe that person should be kept from posting on the boards or banned like they did to others last nite. That really sucked. I don't see how they could think that would be funny, people are trying to learn but they can't because others can't see what they are typing.

Wow, this sinks to a new low. What kind of professional contractor would do such a stupid thing?


You guys ready for the prize this weekend...LOL
Do you expect someone to say no to that Question?
I was there posting like crazy just like Larry was, how are we going to prevent someone from doing what they did last nite?

It is no use to have a chat or contest if there is some small-minded A**hole censoring people, that was very crappy of a person to do that. What a loser!

I bet he had no friends growing up and was bullied all the time and this is the only way that he can get some personal satisfaction from a lifetime of being the pushover. hahahahahaha
I was there last night. The place was jammed. I saw lots of people come and go. If you were idle it bumped you out after a while. People talking and typing, it was hard to follow sometimes. I didnt realize some were blocked or banned, thats wrong. And Celeste the message I got was 6:30pm pac . Having a blonde moment? hahahahahaha
I was there last night. The place was jammed. I saw lots of people come and go. If you were idle it bumped you out after a while. People talking and typing, it was hard to follow sometimes. I didnt realize some were blocked or banned, thats wrong. And Celeste the message I got was 6:30pm pac . Having a blonde moment? hahahahahaha

That is funny! hahahahahahaha

I got kicked like 3 times, one time for being idle but the other times there was no reason why, maybe someone playing games?