Do not hire a Sales Person!!!
Here are some steps and common mistakes made by poster’s here and other friends I have.
I personally have trained sales people all my life, you become somewhat of a coach motivator as your staff increases in size.
I’ll use this analogy for a reference; Kirby Vacuum has a program for selling vacuums. So many small business folks here about my sales staff and they think I’ll just hire a sales guy like Ron has. I will be on my way to making millions of dollars soon. ( NOT)
Kirby has a well refined machine, as simple as it might be it sells vacuums. Car dealerships as much as we hate buying a car have a program to make higher closing numbers.
Now I’m not suggesting you build a program like these, just look at why they are working?
The main reason is accountability and numbers. Lead generation for these is crucial.
The typical Car sales usally do not generate leads; they walk through the front door. This doesn’t happen magically the dealership runs ads and promotions to generate that traffic. (So you have to ask yourself how you will generate leads to make a sales person successful) If you think a sales person will generate himself your wrong. That’s a misconception that you will need to lose when you’re building this program. Your marketing department makes leads and your sales staff closes them. If they are making leads then they will close less.
Lead generation can come many ways in the service business, Web, referral program, mailer, phones,( cold calling. ) I put Cold calling in because a great program cold calling will actually be very little. (This has more to do with Ongoing marketing and branding of your company to make sales easier) again if your sales is cold calling he is not closing.
Getting back to Kirby vacuum sales program and remember I’m not suggesting you model this after Kirby just making the point that the systems in place sell Vacuums and hold sales people accountable. It’s scripted but it’s a baseline for training anyone to sell. (NOTE: I hate Scripts) Because I hate them doesn’t mean they will not work for you.
Here’s the reality, hire a sales guy will not work if you do not have systems in place to make the sales person successful. Do not think you can hire a sales person to write this for you, someone outside your business or with a marketing background could help you create one. Normally you have a program it’s just not refined. It’s in your head instead of on paper or video. We have a six week training period with a six month mentoring before a sales person is left alone to follow the program. we decide and the direction he or she will work. Monitor daily with weekly reports of performance.
If you’re going to have a successful sales staff you must have a program that works in place prior. I have written no books on this, just my hard Knox experience of failures and success. (27 years)
Discover your program, work it yourself and make sure its solid. Make it able to be duplicated and taught to whomever you decide to hire. Salesmen are made not born, I believe that. Be patient and remember like employees they are people who work for you, if they are not working replace them and do not get discouraged. I have tips on finding the right person; will continue the talks as day go by.
If you build a good program you can plug almost anyone into it.