Distirbing behavior

Sel not Spel

A newly hired traveling salesman wrote his first report to the home office. It stunned the brass in the sales department because it was obvious the new man was a blithering illiterate. Here's what he wrote....

Dere Bos-

I have seen this outfit which never bot a dimes worth of nothing from us and I sol them a couple hunderd thousand dolars of guds. I am now goin to Chicawgo.

Before the illiterate could be given the heave - ho by the sales manager,
this letter came from Chicago.

I cum hear and sole them haff millyon.

Fearful if he did, and fearful if he didn't fire the illiterate, the sales manager dumped the problem in the lap of the president.

The following morning the ivory tower members were amazed to see the two letters posted on the bulletin board.... and this memo from the president above:

We ben spending two much time trying to spel insted of trying to sel. Let's watch those sails. I want everybody shud reed these leters frum Gooch, who is on the rode doin a grate job for us, and you shud go out and do like he done.
The only time I have a problem with horrible grammar and spelling is when I can't understand them. I have done this quite often myself. My brain is working faster than my fingers can type....no big deal, but I think some people get offended when they shouldn't be. If somebody is asking for clarification on something you say, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are trying to make you look stupid or something.
"My brain is working faster than my fingers can type" Cold Syrup moves faster than my fingers can type. Sometimes I go to respond to a post and by the time I've typed my responce it's not really valid anymore because three other people have responded and the thread has changed topic. But hey, there is always someone needing to make fun of someone.
I've read that correcting peoples grammar and or writings in emails etc is a form of OCD. I personally think it's feeling of inferiority that they are trying to show you they are smarter than you about something. (SWS Small Wand Syndrome) Anyway it made me remember a supposedly true story. Yes you can snopes it etc and I don't care if it's true or not because it has a moral one way or the other. I've also read it has been modernized to the point that the guy worked at Microsoft.

Anyway a janitor in the 1930's at a High School in Chicago is canned after it is learned that he can not read or write. He speaks English but is an illiterate. The principle at the school finds out and feels a school is no place for children to be around that type of person. So he gets canned. On the way home he decides to buy a pack of cigarettes. He remembers there are no tobacco shops in the area and makes off for the long walk to the nearest one. As he walks he wonders if he could make a tobacco shop of his own work. Being frugal he had managed to save enough to open a small shop. He does open one and it's so successful he ends up owning a chain of several all over Chicago. He amasses a small fortune.

One day at the bank the new branch manger convinces him to move some of his money to higher paying accounts. During the process with the documents the manager realizes the man can't read or write. The manager says "I can't believe you've created this kind of wealth without being able to read or write. Just imagine what you could do if you could read and write." The man says "I know exactly what I'd be doing, I'd be the janitor at the High School."

Whether the above is true or not I've done work for many very financially successful business people that had less than average grammar and/or writing skills. They did what they did best, make money.

Belittling people about those skills is best left for a forum about those skills.

Oh yeah sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors, I don't care.