Distirbing behavior

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member

Others watching the postings and being afraid to type because someone might attack you and call you a moron. Please do not worry, intelligent has nothing to do with writing skills.

I would not allow someone to attack you and i would not want this type ignorance to stop you

There are some people out there watching others posts and are harping on their grammar and writing skills, those that are being badgered then become afraid to post because they do not want to be attacked and humiliated on the board. Do not worry, intelligence has nothing to do with your writing and grammar skills.
Personally I would not allow someone to attack you and I would not want this type of ignorance to stop you from posting.
I truly dont want others here to feel that they have perfect writing skills.

I apoligize to all who read my blogs, I'm a horrible writer without really taking the time. I suppose if when in college i had not paid for those papers to be written it would not be so difficult.

I do not compose the material my business send to customers, i would assume you guys know this by now. yes i have people that market my business and thats what they get paid for. they make sure the t and I are taken care of.

More importantly i want no one here to ever be attack for lack of spelling and grammer. and it took 17 minutes between the two.

Its ingnorance!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey don't let people fool you guys. MS Word spell check has bailed more people out than they want to admit. besides who has the time to sit there and pick apart a freakin post about being misspelt? misspelled misspeld
I can not believe you mispelled the title of this thread, are you sure you really know how to run a business or how to run a surface cleaner. Unbelievable.:D
I can not believe you mispelled the title of this thread, are you sure you really know how to run a business or how to run a surface cleaner. Unbelievable.:D

You liked that ,,,,funny????? LOL
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Thank god we are HUMAN that we admight screw up. Yes I love the spell checker donnot love the grammer checker never know if it is right or wrong. But what sad life pple lead when they put others down when they donnot know you in realy life but will but you down behind safty of there office desk. I say to any that want put me down come here do in person.
heck I dont even worry about it if I were gonna go after someones spelling here the first would be you Ron ! hahahahahahaha

................... then me

Its nice to know I'm first, thank goodness Grant and Scott can Spell.
Shall I utlize more eloquent vernacular (talk differently)? Heck naw!!! I'm Southern, I talk the way I talk, I type the way I type, & I ain't gonna change for nobody (we love our double negatives down here).:D
SWS Short Wand Syndrome
I think that some manufacturers (not on this board) may have a wand enhancement program for those afflicted with SWS