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Did anyone see this thread over on the grime scene

I can say for myself that there has been a bias instilled in our views at a fundamental level that may have us putting ourselves in a 'category' where we are not. We have heard it all, and what Tony is saying and Ron emphasizes sounds new or contrary to all that, but is plainly correct on the face of it. Interesting point here that may bring some things in focus - the CITY is the facility in the permit.
Yes Ron, but not allowable for Pressure Washers, no chems, no heat.

Yeah the heat is not meant for us, they actually said it was written for industry dumping Large amounts of hot water into bodies of water. Steel mill smelters for cooling the steel. The water was not contaminated just used to cool. They found it has effects on wild life.

Somehow someone has mislead by saying the molecules change.

Plus the temperature of wand water three inches away is drastically cooled by the time it would ever reach a MS4 , three inches or three hundred feet.

Forensics !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now both orgs have endorsed this publicly and I NEVER got one email discussing it with members. Why you guys going down the same track as the PWNA, now that you did, they are using you as their bitches. They just used the UAMCC name in a JOINT press release without asking WTF is our Org going to stand for this?. I told Ron he should take the position with the UAMCC, but I can't blame him for not. PWNA & Robert are going to do whatever they want to sell equipment and they are going to use the UAMCC name whether the UAMCC OK's it or not

Why don't the two orgs merge and get it over with PWNA UAMCC Hey just turn the PWNA name around some PAWN, its what we all have become for them, Pawns in their little game to sell equipment and make money for the ones that really run the PWNA

Russ what the heck is going on over there brother? I have a feeling if you werent on the UAMCC BOD, you would be raising hell about this

Jeff, I love 'ya, but I have to point out that the BMPs being discussed are the same ones that were handed-out at our 2009 Convention. I happened to find my stack of stuff from Orlando the other day and the DVD, with both the UAMCC and PWNA logo are on it. The BMP DVD was produced with the cooperation of the Transition Team, not the BOD. According to Robert, members of the TT were helpful in writing the BMPs. The issue at hand is the "joint" press release being released without UAMCC approval. It is being dealt with.
Yeah the heat is not meant for us, they actually said it was written for industry dumping Large amounts of hot water into bodies of water. Steel mill smelters for cooling the steel. The water was not contaminated just used to cool. They found it has effects on wild life.

Somehow someone has mislead by saying the molecules change.

Plus the temperature of wand water three inches away is drastically cooled by the time it would ever reach a MS4 , three inches or three hundred feet.

Forensics !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is exactly why we need more knowledgeable people on the Committee. The BMPs are guidelines, not hard-and-fast rules. They have, and will continue to, evolve over time.
Jeff, I love 'ya, but I have to point out that the BMPs being discussed are the same ones that were handed-out at our 2009 Convention. I happened to find my stack of stuff from Orlando the other day and the DVD, with both the UAMCC and PWNA logo are on it. The BMP DVD was produced with the cooperation of the Transition Team, not the BOD. According to Robert, members of the TT were helpful in writing the BMPs. The issue at hand is the "joint" press release being released without UAMCC approval. It is being dealt with.

Not to cast aspersions, but I was the only one on the transition team that had significant recovery experience, and Rob Huffman was on the team and had knowledge about recovery. I know Robert did not talk to me about it, of course I may have excused myself before he got involved, and I don't think Rob helped with it, but I could be wrong.

And Tony, I explained to you how the voluntary tax works.
Jeff, I love 'ya, but I have to point out that the BMPs being discussed are the same ones that were handed-out at our 2009 Convention. I happened to find my stack of stuff from Orlando the other day and the DVD, with both the UAMCC and PWNA logo are on it. The BMP DVD was produced with the cooperation of the Transition Team, not the BOD. According to Robert, members of the TT were helpful in writing the BMPs. The issue at hand is the "joint" press release being released without UAMCC approval. It is being dealt with.

IThe Fort Worth BMP was written long before the new UAMCC was ever started, I also am pretty sure no one on the TT helped Robert write anything unless it was Scott or Carlos and I don't think they did. The FW BMP it was written long ago. Now that the TT team is long gone I will say I do recall discussions that we were concerned about Robert being our Chairman of Enviro and that is why we refused to name him that and he was only to be a consultant. I also remember on one or two conference calls making it VERY CLEAR to Robert he had to get the OK from us to put the UAMCC name to anything. But he didnt do that, he definitly free lanced we found out. I have a feeling Robert is remembering things wrong or how he wants to when he relates them to you and the current BOD

I will also admit I knew very little about the Fort Worth BMP, reclaim or any of it, I was not part of that committee and wanted nothing to do with it. That may be my fault, but the only thing I know and remember well is we made sure we didnt make him the chairman out of certain concerns

NOW is whats concerning me. That after much has come out, all us learning more about the Fort Worth BMP's and knowing these past months that the Fort Worth BMP isnt a one size fits all and to still have the UAMCC come out in an email and endorse it concerns me. I have learned much from these BB's this past year on these BMP's and I just don't understand the rationale of the UAMCC BOD in endorsing this mess now.

John you are all of our buddy, you're cool and I know you want to do the best you can to help. I just dont understand why the UAMCC BOD endorsed the FW BMP. Can you give me and all the reasons. I have had BOD members say it was to help in Houston, I don't know how, but I'm not the sharpest tack in the bunch on this stuff. If it was to help Houston, why endorse it nationally? Is there a reason??

My only suggestions is distance yourselves (the UAMCC) from the PWNA & Robert ASAP. I don't think they really have the contractors best interests in mind. I guess with time and a little more education from these BB's and doing research because CWA came to Myrtle I see more clearly that Robert although a nice man he has a distributors mind, not a contractors mind. As for the PWNA, I just don't trust them at all

Contractors for Contractors
Not to cast aspersions, but I was the only one on the transition team that had significant recovery experience, and Rob Huffman was on the team and had knowledge about recovery. I know Robert did not talk to me about it, of course I may have excused myself before he got involved, and I don't think Rob helped with it, but I could be wrong.

And Tony, I explained to you how the voluntary tax works.

Today and back then I think Robert is going to do what Robert wants and will use the PWNA & UAMCC stamp how he seems fit. I feel like a jerk saying that about Robert, but thats how I see things
You say some very smart and wise things Jeff.
I recall being used as a pawn "in the name of the UAMCC" back a few years ago........did not end well. Some folks are just more prone to ask forgiveness than permission.
Is it just me or does it look like on one of the threads there that the P*** is trying to get credit for what happened in Houston, I mean when Ron M. went there different times and did a lot to educate them to get things on the right track so contractors can get back to work?

It looks like they are trying to take credit for what Ron M. did. I know Ron and he probably does not care about this type of thing but people should know that the P*** really did nothing compared to what Ron did to help the Houston contractors in this situation. Sure they video taped some of the meetings but that does not make things happen, change things or educate the city on how things should be.

Am I wrong here or what?
Is it just me or does it look like on one of the threads there that the P*** is trying to get credit for what happened in Houston, I mean when Ron M. went there different times and did a lot to educate them to get things on the right track so contractors can get back to work?

It looks like they are trying to take credit for what Ron M. did. I know Ron and he probably does not care about this type of thing but people should know that the P*** really did nothing compared to what Ron did to help the Houston contractors in this situation. Sure they video taped some of the meetings but that does not make things happen, change things or educate the city on how things should be.

Am I wrong here or what?

Your correct about not really caring, what's funny is Robert first said Houston was not a problem after the meeting you attended.

The main thing is change has happened , will see how much change chris. We all know they now understand we know about jurisdiction. We know where the ms4 starts and stops.

They can take all the credit for Houston, Robert has been handling Houston since the beginning. I guess that pretty much tells the story.
Yes, I have been on the board for about a month, give or take, and was voted to serve as VP on the last conference call.

Will I get re-elected in October? I have no idea.
Will I do my job to the best of my ability and work for the members of the UAMCC until then? Absolutely.

Current UAMCC members can expect to hear from me in the next couple of weeks. I need your input and concerns.

No way, you are on the BOD? I want my money back LOL. I know you did it for the fame, glory & money
Jeff, I love 'ya, but I have to point out that the BMPs being discussed are the same ones that were handed-out at our 2009 Convention. I happened to find my stack of stuff from Orlando the other day and the DVD, with both the UAMCC and PWNA logo are on it. The BMP DVD was produced with the cooperation of the Transition Team, not the BOD. According to Robert, members of the TT were helpful in writing the BMPs. The issue at hand is the "joint" press release being released without UAMCC approval. It is being dealt with.

Dealt with? They havent even changed it at the Grime Scene. Heck its still in BIG BOLD letters. The PWNA & Robert are going to do what they want it looks like. Aggravating I would say PWNA = PAWN

Good luck John, you all have a right to be pissed at them adding your name to this without your permission. Give them hell brother

PWNA/UAMCC Press Release

For more information or to schedule an interview:
Contact: Robert Hinderliter
Environmental Chairman PWNA & UAMCC
817-529-6601; Cell: 817-366-3041
Is it just me or does it look like on one of the threads there that the P*** is trying to get credit for what happened in Houston, I mean when Ron M. went there different times and did a lot to educate them to get things on the right track so contractors can get back to work?

It looks like they are trying to take credit for what Ron M. did. I know Ron and he probably does not care about this type of thing but people should know that the P*** really did nothing compared to what Ron did to help the Houston contractors in this situation. Sure they video taped some of the meetings but that does not make things happen, change things or educate the city on how things should be.

Am I wrong here or what?

Christopher, the City of Houston does not have a very high opinion or regard for the PW+A. That is first hand knowledge received directly to me from the City. They pretty much shot themselves in the foot there. As far as credit, who cares? I know and you know who helped me and CONTINUES to help me here in Houston. The important thing is we now have such a great relationship with the City and we continue to communicate and have great conversation with them. They really are good people who care and want to help us and are willing to bend over backwards to help keep us cleaning. (BIG CHANGE THERE.) And we are showing that we ARE responsible stewards of the environment. And that's really all they and we want.

Ron is slowly getting many different departments here on the same page, (enforcement, zoning, building, and others), lot's of people we are continuing to talk too, not just enforecement. So, while others push "model BMP's for jurisdictions" and conitinue to confuse Cities, we are developing "model processes and procedures" every CONTRACTOR can use to work with their Municipalities. And it's so simple and easy to understand that even I get it. But the difference is these will be given to contractors to use, not the other way around.

Imagine after all we have been through here we now have them agreeing with us that relcaiming and hauling waste should be a LAST RESORT and should not be considered the preferred method.

We are writing new guidelines for the City, ones that won't have any org or individual name on it, guidelines that this City can adopt and pass as there own because THIS CITY is different than any other City in the World and has different requirements and needs than other Cities. Just like your City is and Rons City is different, and everybody else's. Model, one size fits all, blanket BMP's don't, can't, and won't work, and should never be presented that they will. Contractors working with their own municipalities does. Oh yeah, we have been asked to drop the word or phrase BMP and use guidelines instead.

As you stated and know, Ron does not care about getting credit, but I do know this, WITHOUT HIM helping us here, there is no telling how much worse things would have gotten here. Not really sure how anyone else can get or take credit when no on else has done anything. The only thing the PWN* can take credit for is creating this origional mess in the first place.
Christopher, the City of Houston does not have a very high opinion or regard for the PW+A. That is first hand knowledge received directly to me from the City. They pretty much shot themselves in the foot there. As far as credit, who cares? I know and you know who helped me and CONTINUES to help me here in Houston. The important thing is we now have such a great relationship with the City and we continue to communicate and have great conversation with them. They really are good people who care and want to help us and are willing to bend over backwards to help keep us cleaning. (BIG CHANGE THERE.) And we are showing that we ARE responsible stewards of the environment. And that's really all they and we want.

Ron is slowly getting many different departments here on the same page, (enforcement, zoning, building, and others), lot's of people we are continuing to talk too, not just enforecement. So, while others push "model BMP's for jurisdictions" and conitinue to confuse Cities, we are developing "model processes and procedures" every CONTRACTOR can use to work with their Municipalities. And it's so simple and easy to understand that even I get it. But the difference is these will be given to contractors to use, not the other way around.

Imagine after all we have been through here we now have them agreeing with us that relcaiming and hauling waste should be a LAST RESORT and should not be considered the preferred method.

We are writing new guidelines for the City, ones that won't have any org or individual name on it, guidelines that this City can adopt and pass as there own because THIS CITY is different than any other City in the World and has different requirements and needs than other Cities. Just like your City is and Rons City is different, and everybody else's. Model, one size fits all, blanket BMP's don't, can't, and won't work, and should never be presented that they will. Contractors working with their own municipalities does. Oh yeah, we have been asked to drop the word or phrase BMP and use guidelines instead.

As you stated and know, Ron does not care about getting credit, but I do know this, WITHOUT HIM helping us here, there is no telling how much worse things would have gotten here. Not really sure how anyone else can get or take credit when no on else has done anything. The only thing the PWN* can take credit for is creating this origional mess in the first place

Please everyone PWNA & UAMCC included READ ABOVE, it's very informative.

NO BMP....Guidelines I like that. Good work Doug Ron and others that were constructive in getting this worked out. PWNA & others be part of the solution, not the problem or stay away

Thanks for the update Doug
Thanks for the update Doug, great response!

It is a shame that the others out there are trying to take credit for the good changes in Houston (probably the guys that caused most of the problems in the beginning there in Houston) but it is great that Ron M. did so much to help them start making changes that everyone can live with, especially the contractors.

It is nice that the contractors there can work without fear of being fined out of existence.

All who read this bbs know that the changes came about because Ron M. got involved, not because an org went there or vendors video taped meetings or tried to sell them on their bogus bmp's or vendors selling reclaim equipment, I just would like this mentioned here to where it will stay forever in case new contractors ever have questions or in case vendors try to sell them equipment that is not only not needed but lying to them to make the sale. I hope that they stop trying to take the credit for all the work that Ron M. did to help out the city of Houston and the contractors there in Houston.

Chances are most of the contractors there in Houston will probably never know of Ron M. and what he did to help all of them to keep on working and I really don't like the idea of anyone else trying to take the credit when all they did was sit on their asses trying to pawn off bmp's that will not work there and try to sell equipment and just make the situation worse instead of actually helping the situation.

Thanks Ron M. from us here in Texas.
Thats the way it should be done, municipalities working with the contractors do develop the simplest plan possible. Compliance does not necessarily mean recovery something as simple as a $6 reusable oil sock can keep you compliant. The coalition needs to continue to work together to keep the regulations as simple as possible.
Your correct about not really caring, what's funny is Robert first said Houston was not a problem after the meeting you attended.

The main thing is change has happened , will see how much change chris. We all know they now understand we know about jurisdiction. We know where the ms4 starts and stops.

They can take all the credit for Houston, Robert has been handling Houston since the beginning. I guess that pretty much tells the story.

Ron says it right there that Robert has been handling Houston since the beginning. So Robert didn't just jump in on this because it was the hot story for the summer. Also I'm reading Dougs post below and Doug is stating that his new BMP's he's working on won't have any org named attached to it. Meanwhile if you listen to Sgt. Walshes Video that Mike H. posted on TGS, SGT. Walsh states right in there that you should belong to your associations because they are the ones who help you.

Ron made a mistake IMHO. He should have taken that position offered by the UAMCC as the Vice chair so he to can help with the BMP's. Ron is one of the few guys I know that can do this because he has the money to stay on top of this while his workers are out there doing the Powerwashing. Us others have to work....I know I do so I can't stay on top of this like Ron and Robert can along with some others.

I already watched the 3 video's Mike has posted and I'm requesting to get the whole DVD. I really want to see what happened in there. The last thing I saw was that Sgt. Walsh was stating would us the Powerwashers drink the water that we send down the storm drains and nobody answers yes but it spills out in the Bayou's and the fish drink it and I guess somewhere it goes far enough the people drink it. So he says why would us the Powerwashers put water down the storm drain that we wouldn't drink yet because of us others will. He also states that none of the Powerwashers would even put there washing water in there own fish tank so what does that tell ya.

I think Doug and Ron did a heck of a job down there but its the little stuff that you read like Doug saying the PWNA isn't held in high regard there and he has first hand knowledge they shot themselves in the foot. Typical line to discredit something... So I ask doug..with that blnaket statement...who said that and did they hold any position within the Houston PD or whatever Group that SGT. Walsh mention because if so then your statement has Merit. So spill the beans. I belong to the PWNA and I pay my dues but if you have first hand knowledge of something like this.....lets hear it. If its the truth then all should hear it.

I knew I should have gone to this meeting so now I get this Person is great and this Person is bad and we have priviledge knowledge of this yet we are not going to tell us who said this.

I guess since this will eventually be heading across the country its time to learn the truth.
I'll call Sgt. Walsh myself and find out what was said there in a nutshell and what should I do here to protect myself and if he says that cold water cleaning can go down a storm drain or hot water for that matter since some of these garages we do have the Oil Seperators in its drains already at least I will know the truth.... unless Doug wants to tell us PWNA members something that apparently he knows and it came from a viable source.

So Doug lets here it so we can save our hard earned money from and org. that has "Shot itself in the foot" You said it so I'm calling you to the carpet on it.