Dear Mr. Local Distibutor...

Couple of weeks ago I go to Raleigh to have a pump (that I bought from a distributor online) put on one of our machines. Now mind you this shop is about 1.5 hrs. Away from home base, there are 2 shops closer but because of their great service (from Son of owner) I go to them....but not anymore.

Pull up to the shop and owner (not the Son) is standing there, I get out and explain to him my situation...Hey I'd like you to put this pump on this unit and a few other things I need done here.....well he explains to me that he doesn't put other peoples parts on their machines, but he will put one of his pumps on my machine for $1150 + labor. My reply thanks but no thanks.

Go to another shop close by and owner replaces pump that I had, rebuilds the other pump on hot water skid, replaces feed filters, puts new solenoids on my electric reels, new diesel filter on hot water unit, new battery for cold water unit, new water feed lines to pressure washers and probably several other things I'm leaving out, and charges me........$1250.00!!!

Needless to say the company that helped so much was Xterior Sales & Service in Garner N.C. They Will be getting more of our business. If you recognize the name it's because that's the Company that invented the X-Jet and Gutter Zap. Ken and his staff were awesome!!!!

I don't fault the other company for their policy, it's his business to run as he wishes, and it's my policy to look after those that look after my business. Oh well, another lesson learned, and another Distributor bites the dust with me.
I have boycotted my local guys as well. The only thing I can't do is small engine repair and there are shops everywhere and shade trees that can get it fixed.
Tony, this is why we only do soap! Keeping up an inventory is a hard business for any one. I give my manufacture a list once a month of what I expect we will be selling during that month (usally a mix of past years numbers, what the seasonal trend has been and any promotions we may have coming up), so they can purchase the raw ingredients, parts (like pails, drum and boxes), and make thier product mixing schedules for me up from that. This way the products they make for us are always fresh, they do not have huge stock piles of our products just sitting around, I usually do not catch them short on an item (can't be 100% all the time, lol), and I keep my customers happy with the short order to delivery time we are famous for. Most days if you call before noon it will ship out that day, unless of course we get slammed with orders like we did Monday and then it may be delayed a day. I am sometimes asked why we don't offer free shipping and that is because I do not feel it is fair to jack up a price to everyone to cover shipping by a certain percent which won't be fair to some customers only to always give a break to others. Our shipping charges (except for the small added cost of boxing, pallet, etc. that we are charged) are what ever the shipper quotes to us. We do not aim to make extra profit on customer orders. But Tony what you ran into is also why we do not have a store front opperation like some other soap distributors. We keep our overhead very low that way, to give a better price to all our customers, local or far away.