dangerous berner problem

Yup that's the unit. And I just looked at it again and it has a 3.25 90°A that seem right? Also it says it has a cool touch coil what's that mean? Does that have something to do with the tip size and the fact that their was no insulation around the coil between the shroud it just has the top and bottom insulation rings doughnuts.
ok got another problem here I just bolted the burner back up but still waiting on insulation. and I cleaned the fuel lines out put new strainer. so I bolted it back up and wanted to check the spray pattern and make sure it was not going to soak the insulation again and sure enough im getting a large mist of fuel after I let go of the trigger and the flame goes out its still spraying for split second enough to spray me and leave specs of fuel all over the machine water tanks and even all over my trailers fender an deck. I did not replace the ignitors because they seem to work fine but one did seem to be closer to the nozzle than the other so I need to adjust them im assuming. but what im trying to figure out is what could cause this. I can afford to keep taking this thing apart and replacing insulation. also not sure what tune up kit I need for his burner they all look the same are they?

thanks for all your help already John
update: I got the rigid insulation disk and its not correct but I made it work, next time I will buy the roll and cut to fit I think this disk is specific to a certan brand/model. also I think I figured out the problem with the fuel, I messed with the ignitors gap and spacing from the fuel tip and its allot better.

will update my progress until its fixed
Take the Damn burner to somebody that can fix it please this is driving me nuts lol. Your wasting more time trying to rig it up yourself if you knew it would be all good .
Take the Damn burner to somebody that can fix it please this is driving me nuts lol. Your wasting more time trying to rig it up yourself if you knew it would be all good .

I know I know lol im at that point if its not fixed by Monday but its not like I have contracts waiting on me and besides im In no rush, time is what i do have. I just want to figure this out myself so I can learn my machines so I can service them myself expecialy if something happens while on a job and not be at the mercy of a repair man everytime my machines breaks down. and iv almost got it im learning ALLOT about burners there not much to them iv already learned to rebuild the engines, pumps and even the blower on my recovery unit, the burner is the last thing need to figure out Iv just got to be missing something. there seems to be something causing all this excess fuel. just want to update until i figure it out in hopes that it will help someone in the future.
any input is helpful thanks guys
Well??? Did you fix it??? Do I need to hunt you down an fix it for you??? LOL
its fixed and running well for a couple days now, I just had to do some research on an hvac forum to figure out the exact setings for the igntors.then bled the fuel line . no more delaed igniton. no more unburned fuel, I knew I could do it lol .. thanks john
Nice, good to hear you got it going.

I don't have hot water yet, so this was a good read of what I'll be dealing with in my future, with my luck.

Out of curiosity, in your case- did it just come down to the ignitors? Were the 3.25gph the right size tips?
yes came down to figuring the exact electrode settings for my 90A tip, and was possibly some air in the line.