There is enough legit competition in florida without someone trying to cheat you out of your pricing. thats one of the easiest things in this business if you cant figure that out you need to fail.
I 100% agree with you Greg, pricing is the most proprietary part of my business. Easy or not, it is still something that you need to develop on your own.
Lets say I tell "marc" that you should price the curbs at .04 per linear foot and he bids at that price, well what I didn't tell him is that I can clean 6000 feet in 1.5 hours, and it will take him 1.5 days. Hence the proprietary part comes into play, I have a curb cleaning device that adapts to all types of curbs and flys along, "marc" has a wand with a turbo tip with 1 guy and has to wash and rinse, fill up with water, move the truck and what not. The "marcs" of the world should know what they are capable of on their own. You want me to teach you how to make $$ in this business, ok will cost 1k a day plus expenses, and even then all I have given you is the knowledge, I didn't give you the equipment or experience.
I bid alot of govt projects that are sealed bids, I see what everyone else bids when they are opened, I have seen price differences that are so far apart it is amazing, I have seen one company bid 15,000 and another bid 97,500, on the exact same project, all the companies get the exact same information from the purchasing department, so how do some companies do it so cheap, simple, they have just built a better mouse trap, they can do it faster, safer, and better, they know there business inside and out, they do not need to guess when pricing.
I have purposely bid high prices on jobs , knowing that another company was going to see my bid, I bid it way high so that the next time I go head to head with that company, they would raise there price closer to mine, then I bid it way lower and win it, how do I know this works, cause I get phone calls all the time asking why I bid so low when last time on the same type of project I bid so high. I would never expose my cards to any of my competition, always keep them guessing.