Craigslist and website marketing

Hey Dustin,

We're on Angie's list - Greensboro :) We have an audio clip on that one!


I have never listed, i have bought things on graigslist.

I will list these puppys today
Man I hope to have an office person in the next year or two to do all this kind of stuff. My darn brain just hates computers I think. Hell I have a hard time just logging on sometimes LOL. It will be nice some day to not have to do it all and have someone that can manage stuff like this and actually knows how to do it. So much time would be saved. Mike you want a job
Here's an ad I placed, nothing fancy but I place one about every 2 weeks.
I came up twice in that link you placed Michael. Not craigslist but there I was.

i read your ad on craigslist and am unclear as to what point you are trying to make concerning being a professional due to the fact that you do not pull a diy unit out of the back of your truck.
i read your ad on craigslist and am unclear as to what point you are trying to make concerning being a professional due to the fact that you do not pull a diy unit out of the back of your truck.

Around here people have dealt with alot of those types and there
not around this year when they call. I felt the customer knew what
I was talking about. If they didn't i'm not sure I want them to call.
They would want me to it for $60.
Micahel and David. Your ads come across as a bit self righteous and preachy. I know these are freebies and therefore if you are like me you don't put too much into them but just wanted you guys to see how the public wil perceive things. I know exactly where you are coming from.. trust me, its frustrating trying to get the point across to blank-eyed homewners that we are "better". I do the same thing in my ads and its a tough balance to include the message yet still focus on customer benefits. After all hiring us is a benefit right ;-) I fall into the same trap when writing an ad.

Yep, my wife breeds and sells Boston Terriers and if you could sell them on Craigslist then I would be all over it!
If you want to sell them try Next Day Pets or US Free Ads.

We sold our last available Boston and two of my Dad's Chihuahuas today.
More Bostons ready in three or four weeks, Black&White, Brindle&White, and I think a Chocolate.
The tiger stripe brindle is already sold.
Got an email just this morning.... They used the link from that very ad to visit site for coupon. Craigslist is extremely beneficial for website ranking.

The search engines cache these ads and show up in searches. Service Magic utilizes craigslist alot.

The best thing I see with Clist is that it's FREE. Send out 1000 Post Cards for a cost of $230+, and get 3 jobs for avg $300 each. Those jobs cost you about $77 each to land. Get 3 jobs with Clist, they cost you nothing. ROI is better with Clist and other online marketing campaigns. Will internet cause phone to ring off the hook? NO. Is it a cost effective way to market? Yes.


Land 3 jobs from those 1000 Post cards...... $77 customer cost Acq.
Land 3 jobs from FREE Clist ad..... $0 CCA

This has now lowered your OVERALL CCA to $38.5

Add in other forms of marketing like Yellow Pages etc and you can come up with your avg CCA. These FREE forms may not bring in TONS of calls but can allow you to spend more on other forms of advertising.

Make sense?