Contract Cleaning

Fair enough. If I see either one of you at a RT I'll stand you up to a round on me.

Good to have you on board, hope we can help you out sometime with some work in your area.

This board is more like Pay It forward (if you can)...No Agenda Here..;)
See if the two of you meet at a rt you could talk face to face and get a better understanding of each others charcter(spelling sucks). Maybe even share leads. but on the BBS you cant get a feel for atitudes or sarcasm and it starts spats. We are trying to eliminate the everyman for himself stigma around here and create unity with out a union or org.

Very true Kory, I happen to know William and I know Nick, met them both. Both are great contractors and great guys. But on the Internet you have no clue who they really are

I love PWing, Life is GOOD and I love my Xjet
Very true Kory, I happen to know William and I know Nick, met them both. Both are great contractors and great guys. But on the Internet you have no clue who they really are

I love PWing, Life is GOOD and I love my Xjet

Rumor has it you used your x-jet on lisa and now you have two mini xjetters:D
Rumor has it you used your x-jet on lisa and now you have two mini xjetters:D


Ask my boy what he wants to be when he grows up and he'll say a pressure washer just like Daddy, I guess he'll love his Xjet too, as for my little girl, she already is just like Daddy and thats scary

As for my beautiful wifey, No Xjet, I might just use inject-her tonight :D I love my Wife:)
Hey Russ,

If your headed out to Maryland again let me know. This time I'll clear my schedule and meet up with you somewhere or on one of your jobs.

There's nothing wrong with traveling long distance, working with other contractors to take on large jobs or doing them yourself if your willing to take the good with the bad and learn from it.

I just had a guy from California out on one of my job sites today to learn how to wash buildings. He learned a lot and now I know someone in California that I feel comfortable in referring building cleaning too.