Lou hoods&more
New member
To whoever won the skid.........
To whoever won the skid.........
To whoever won the skid.........
Jay Burr a local Carolina contractor won, Jays from Conway SC right next to MB. It was his first ever RT. You could see a lot of the contractors with keys almost nervous trying their key to unlock it. It was cool, would of been cooler if I won it LOL. Go Sunbrite. Congrats Jay
So no one thinks I am a bum, I gave Pete his hundred bucks back before I left. Had a great time.
Congratulations to Henry, At least this time someone else other than Chris one the comp. LOL
The event was great.
It was great to touch base again with contractors we have met in past and to meet a lot of contractors we only knew from the various BBS's.Putting names with faces and getting too see if their online persona carries over in a face to face meeting.
I got a chance to talk shop with Pete and actually found out we both share the similar passion for the industry.Ron lined up solid speakers who brought fresh ideas and perspectives to our industry.
We walked in the door about 11pm tonight.75miles east of MB I slung the tread and belt off my front passengers tires and had a belt seperating on the front driver side.It explained the wobble I that developed in my steering wheel just before we got to MB friday night.A-1 tire in Turbeville,S.C. hooked us up on a Sunday with 2 used tires on the front of the beast and had us back on the road about 4pm.The beast suffer some minor body damage,but I would rather deal with that vs. what could have happened if one of the tires blew out @ 80mph on I-95.
Ron,Michael K,Jeff L and David Vicars thank you all for the generousity and hospitallity guys like you are what makes this industry great.We really enjoyed the chance to get away for some networking and socializing.
Congrats to the guys who won prizes,but to be honest I think anyone who attended came away a winner.
So no one thinks I am a bum, I gave Pete his hundred bucks back before I left. Had a great time.
Hope everyone made of it home safely!!!!So no one thinks I am a bum, I gave Pete his hundred bucks back before I left. Had a great time.
Hope everyone made of it home safely!!!!