cold calls

Text book NO NO,, never ask a customer this….

I would like a couple min. of your valuable time to tell

All the top sales guys will tell you never ask a question that will lead to a no. NO NO NO NONO… when you ask a potential client a question with a no answer then where do you go after that.

Here’s another no question,,, “ are you happy with your current contractor?”

The only question you want to be answer no, is will you use my service. We all know we want a yes to that answer. But if you ask those others first you’ll never get to the question you need too.

Ron P. don’t be offended about my statements, it’s not personal, I don’t have personal issues. I simply do not agree with your advice. I give my opinion and others do not have to agree with me.

Know take that time and say I need to tell you something about my service that you must hear. My service is the most important thing you’re going to learn about all week. Nothing in your life is more important than what I need to talk to you about.

First and foremost if you don’t believe that you’re not going to sell them.

I’m aggressive and it pays, being persistent pays. Being consistent pays and being shy will get you to close enough to make ends meat.

Ron P. second sentence, “show you how i can make your buissness more money.”

I like this pitch but you better have your ammo. If you interrupt my busy about saving me more money and you have no answers and you know have just wasted my time I’m going to be pissed.

All in all I like this part of the sentence and use it a lot but yuou better have your ducks in a row.

Some fall right away and some take months. I have played the numbers game and prefer the building a relationship.

I have been in business 19 year and probably will be here another 19 so if I have to wait for there business I don’t care. I’ll be here when others have come and gone. I’m aggressive but I never put the finger on them. I always let them make the decision.

I have always said there’s one word in any business and that’s being consistent. Be consistent with what works and keep doing it over and over.
Big Trace like to use darling and sweetie. Maybe you and him have been talking. I was just telling him the same thing.

Nope have not spoken to Trace in awhile but know he is a sweetie!

Makes it hard when those palace guards consider a compliment to be sexual, just goes to show they hate males.

But really anything that can have a double meaning is out today.

Best approach is direct with them, Good morning or afternoon, I have an appointment with Mr or Mrs. so and so, or if on the phone when they say may I help you , Yes I would like to make an appointment with Mr/Mrs. ? would today at 4 be ok OR would tomorrow at 10 be better?
Don't ask them when the person has time as the answer will be what is it about and then your stuck. Bypass the crap, put her in a spot when giving two choices for an appointment, most likely she will check the calendar first then ask what it is about, by that time she is stuck since she said what time is open.
It's like wearing your bedroom slippers...

Well, now you've done it. You've picked a topic that makes me want to get onto my soapbox.

Selling isn't easy for everyone, but it can be done. Before you can be expected to be able to sell well, you absolutely must feel comfortable enough with it to let it happen naturally.

Selling when boiled down is all about building relationships and getting folks comfortable enough with you that they are confident. To do that, you build rapport. But to build rapport, you need to be able to listen, to hold conversations that are meaningful and have the right content, and you also need to know when to back off and not push.

Selling should be as comfy as your bedroom slippers. Being on the phone shouldn't be a chore, but a charm. Talking to people should be fun, not bothersome.

I'll get off my soapbox.... well, for a little while anyway... ;)

I have been out of the PW business for 9 years and been in sales all that time, in the process of getting ready to get wet again because I am tired of busting my azz for some one else, its time to work for me. But here are some sales tips that have made me allot of $$ over the years.

Product Knowledge, a good sales person can sell anything if they know the product. I have gotten sales before coming in with a higher price then the competitor because I knew my product and could show feature and benifits + value for there dollar

What can I do to earn your business? Very simple question that will produce an answer.

When you feel like you have perked an interest and ask for an appointment tell them, "I will just need a few minutes, I promise I will spend your time and mine wiseley"

The old adage that you have 2 ears and one mouth for A reason is very true in sales. If you listen after you ask the question 9 times out of 10 the prospect will tell you how to close the sale.

For every cold call you make even if you get A quick NO!!! follow it up with a letter thanking them for there time along with a business card. And then put them on your mailing list if you have one. If you get your name in front of them at least once
once a quarter eventually some one will leak oil, spill paint, or something at there business and they will call you first

Ask for the sale, Ask for the sale, Ask for the sale.

I have been to numerous sales seminars and the biggest mistake we make is we never ask for the sale.

And to echo what everyone else has said ,beprofessional in evry thing you do
YES YES YES!!!! Joel is so right! If you listen, they will tell you what their pain is, and alsohow to close them. You don't need to close sales. Done right, they close themselves and there is no pressure on the prospect, so he or she feels better, less pressured, and far happier about the decision.

You can also reverse on them or strip line as a tactic to see where they are at. A reverse will bring them to you if executed properly and at the right time, but beware, it will let them walk on you... you're giving them an out. Only use it when you're stalled...

Stripping line is similar... it's a reversing statement, but it is designed to have them, close YOU. It works too!
