CleanFast USA Video

thanks for the comments guys...

chris, I'm using iMovie on an apple mac - it's straightforward to use but is missing some key features.

Scott, thanks for the tips - I'll look into doing something like that.

David, did you have the square surface cleaned built for you - is there a benefit over regular s/c's? What widths do they clean in one sweep?
We have
2 - 30" (Steel Eagle parts bearings and all)
2 - 16" ( BE parts )
1 - 24" cleans a street gutter in one pass

square lets the water out of the corners. One day I'll get a video.
Also the square is nice for the fact that the square edge is also where it cleans to. Unlike the round ones where your look at them and guessing.
Hey Ash I get the La crosse boots with the steel toe here in Jackson at MS Rubber for about $45.00... I agree they are comfortable... What ever you do dont buy WalMart Rubber Boots ... They will make your big Toe Hurt after about 30 Min.. Anyhow I have been Known to wear my Nike's with Old Style Rubber Shoe Covers over them when I Clean Concrete... But as far as when I use Caustic I always wear my LaCrosse Boots.. I got to wear Black though because of the hood cleanings... White boots wouldn't be white long with me... As to the video I really like the way the surface cleaner shows the rotation in the video.... Pretty Cool... Mine just throws out a bunch of steam everywhere...
Steven I think you should do some examples of the gum removal. You show some heavy gum spotting in the before pics, I think it would sink in with the average person that it actually comes off when they see it happen. Just not sure people will make the connection with the clean surface being the same a the one with gum 30 seconds before.

And I'd keep the white boots. You could even have little American Flags painted on the sides and write CleanFast USA.
your vids ahead of mine

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steve is that a mosmatic s/c?
Hey joe, it's a Hydrotek ANT3C, you can find them here:

It is pretty good, have been meaning to put a 'skirt' on it to minimize the amount of water it kicks out the side - but haven't got round to it yet :eek:

I would like to try out a Big Guy, Maxima and Water Jet to see the difference - I think quite a few guys use the Big Guy.
hey guys

I've got the 'video bug' from everyone!!

Put this together today - went out and did the washing this morning then played with the editing this afternoon.

Would welcome any feedback - it is work in progress and there are a couple of areas that I'll be changing.

Let me know what you think!


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That video bring you any business?