Clean water what???


Greaser of the Year
just got this email the other day, and I'm wondering if they are breaking the CWA? Well, I know they are if it were you or me doing this, but just wanted to make a point of what a joke it is....

Golden State Water Company Will Flush Fire Hydrants in Barstow

Golden State Water Company (GSWC) will flush fire hydrants for five days in Barstow, beginning Oct. 16 through Oct. 20. This will be done to test the fire hydrant distribution system in the utility's service area in Barstow.

Testing the water distribution system is a key to providing good quality, reliable water to Golden State Water customers. The benefits include maintaining and improving the water quality level in the water mains and pressure in the water distribution system.

Golden State Water customers should not experience any interruption to their water service during the period. Water company officials have taken the necessary measures to help ensure that no water service is interrupted to its customers. Golden State Water customers with questions should contact the utility's Barstow Office at (760) 256-2275.

GSWC is a subsidiary of American States Water and is a public utility company engaged in the purchase, production, distribution and sale of water to more than 240,000 customers, or one out of every 30 persons in California.

This publication is periodically published by the City of Barstow.
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