Choosing the Right Pressure Washer - By John DeRosa (Wiz)


Hotsy Service Tech
Be carefull which machine you purchase! There are alot of companies that make them. See my article 12v vs 120v and choosing the right pressure washer.

Choosing the Right Pressure Washer

There are so many choices when it comes to Pressure Washers. Where do you start? Everyone says theirs is the best! There are so many brands and styles to choose from. Do you really need a Hot Water machine or a cold-water machine? How much pressure do you need? How much GPM do you need? Do you need Direct Drive, Gear Drive, or, Belt Drive? Do you need a 12-volt Burner system or a 120-volt? This much thinking could get you all stressed out if you are just starting out.

I will try to make this task easier for you. But first some basics.

(Q) What does PSI mean?
(A) PSI is Pounds per Square Inch. This is the pressure at the spray tip up to one inch away. This pressure will decrease, as you get further away from the surface.

(Q) What does GPM mean?
(A) GPM is Gallons Per Minute. This is also referred to as Volume. This is how many gallons of water for every minute your pressure washer is spraying. Example, 5 gpm means you can fill up a 5 gallon bucket every minute the water is flowing out of the pump.

(Q) What is direct drive?
(A) When a pump shaft is connected directly to the engine shaft.

(Q) What is Gear Drive?
(A) When a pump is connected to the engine with a Gearbox between the pump shaft and engine shaft.

(Q) What is Belt Drive?
(A) When a pump and engine have pulleys on them and they are driven with belts.

(Q) What is the difference between a 12-volt and a 120-volt burner system?
(A) A 12-volt system runs off of a 12-volt DC battery and the engines charging system.
A 120-volt system runs off of a 120 volt AC generator.

Now that you are educated on the technical stuff, we can try to find out what kind of pressure washer you need.
What are you going to use this machine for? Dirt, Mud, Grease, Windows, Concrete, Cars, Trucks, Heavy equipment, Decks, Buildings, Restaurant Hoods? I could go on and on with that one. There are thousands of uses for pressure washers so we will keep it short.
For cleaning things like; wood, Awnings, glass, rubber, plastic, ect. You need lower pressure and gpm.
1000 to 1500 psi at 2 to 3 gpm should do fine.
For cleaning things like; Trucks, cars, tractors, forklifts, asphalt, buildings, Restaurant hoods, ect.
1500 to 2500 psi at 3 to 5 gpm should be fine.
For Stripping paint, or cleaning concrete, Brick or Block walls, bare Metal, Water pipes or sewer Cleaning, graffiti removal, ect.
2500 to 4000 psi at 4 to 8 gpm should be fine.
I'm sure that opinions will differ on these applications but this is just a general list of applications for usage.

Hot Water or Cold water?
Cold water is good for general cleaning. Not deep cleaning. It works great on dirt or mud, grass, wood decks, windows,, Houses, buildings, ect.
Hot Water works Great on Oil, grease, gum, old stickers, paint removal, algae, deep cleaning, ect.

Direct Drive, Gear Drive, or Belt Drive?

Direct Drive
Direct drive machines cost less than the other two types. They are more compact and take up less space. They also have a shorter life span. The pump usually spins at about 3400 rpm. They are great for the person who uses a pressure washer for less than 4 hours a day. For a homeowner they are the best value for your money. If you only use it every once in a while this is the machine for you.

Gear Drive
Gear drive machines are better than the direct drive because it spins the pump slower. That makes less wear on the parts in the pump. It is a great alternative to Direct Drive. The only problem with this type is the gearbox will not have mercy on your wallet if it should seize up. Make sure you check the oil in the gear box before every use. These machines are designed to use from 4 to 8 hours a day.

Belt Drive
Belt drive machines are the most expensive. They are the best choice for the contract cleaner or industrial user. The pumps turn slower than the other two in most cases. They also have no heat transfer from the engine to the pump like the other two do. They are designed for continuous use.

12 volts DC or 120 volts AC Burner system?

With Direct drive or Gear drive you have no choice you get the 12-volt system. With Belt drive you get the option of choice. The 12-volt systems cost less than the 120-volt system. They also fail more often. The 12-volt system will not work properly if your battery gets low. As long as your battery is in good shape and your charging system is working like it is suppose to the 12 volt system will work fine. The Generator option is more expensive but it is well worth the difference in cost as long as you don't mess with the engine RPM. With the 120-volt option you have extra reserve power to run a couple of lights if you need to work at night.

Hopefully this will help you to choose the right Pressure washer for your needs.
John DeRosa (Hotwaterwizard)
Steam Cleaners Inc.
1115 Waterloo Rd.
Stockton Ca. 95205
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