Chlorine terminating termite warranty?

I actually called 3 of the top National termite & pest control companies in the U.S. when I read this some years back........... They were all in agreement.

They Had No Idea What I Was Talking About & Nothing In Their Contracts Regarding Bleach Voiding Warrantees.

Nuff Said.

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Guy, I think I can now put this fairy tale to rest on! LOL
My guys were performimg a roof treatment one day last summer in a development. Right next to the house we were working on was a company(no names) (Shampoo) cleaning a roof with a surface cleaner. My head guy of that crew called me to tell me he has to come back to the shop. Why? I asked. The guys next to us blew granuals off the roof into his eyes with that machine and he was having a time getting it out. It was that bad.
That would have been a good opportunity to call 911 and have your crew professionally treated for the damage to their eyes because of the damage that company was doing to that poor, defenseless roof.

I could see it now. Your guy screaming, yelling at the top of his lungs while running around holding his eyes, the news people there filming everything, your guys getting their eyes flushed out and turning out ok then zoom in and show the granules being blasted off the roof by the shampoo company and show the powerful pressure washing machines being used to destroy that innocent little roof, just to make a few bucks.

That could have been some free advertising for you because you could explain how they are damaging the neighbor's roof and your workers eyes and then talk about how you gently spray the roof cleaing solutions onto the roof and gently clean the fungus without damage to the shingles, workers' eyes and nobody needs to call 911 when you are out on a job. hahahahaha
All that I was worried about at the time was my employee and his health. But I will never forget this incident.
Thanks for all the reply's guys
This statement is on a local roof cleaning website
I knew it was bs as soon as I read it but wanted to check about the termite warranty
I did call the big termite company and another one to see what they had to say
The first one said as long as the soil wasn't disturbed it was fine and the second one pretty much said there was no need to worry

I am going to be focusing on roof cleaning this season and all ready know the techniques
Obviously if your doing the job correctly the soil shouldnt get much on it unless there are no gutters

I sent you a reply to your PM but for some reason it told me it did not go thru so I'll give it another shot over here.

Sorry for any mis-understanding but I thought you were making that statement. I tend to get hot headed when people try to take food off my table and the comments that he made are scare tactics to do just that. If you have that guys web-site handy, could you forward it to me so I can get his number and have a few words with him?

Hope you have a prosperous 2012!
Thanks, Ray
I just read a few lines from the webpage there. It is scare tactics and references of how roof cleaners communicate about the chemicals they use and health risks to homeowners about how SH can burn their esophagus, etc. Any half wit can read it and tell it is scare tactics and stretching. They are targeting eco-conscious and people who are already afraid of things like bleach. Other people use in their laundry on a regular basis, like I do. They can't sell SH so they have to find something compact and cheap to take it's place. People who use that product will pay twice as much or more to have their roof cleaned. Also, the contractor would have to sell partial roof cleanings just get the time/price down, leaving the rest of the roof to be a problem next year. Those guys are gluttons for punishment. IMO
Am I reading this correctly?

There is a website that has scare tactics for roof cleaning? Hmmmmmmm..........................
Yeah Chris, they have a better chance of dying from a sinus infection than getting a burnt esophagus. I have never had a burnt or irritated esophagus from chlorine. You would have to harvest the fumes or drink it for that.
I hope that the cheezy contractors that use the scare tactics go out of business, that is not ethical, that is not good business, that is not good for the customer, that is not good for anyone because they will end up damaging the roof and give the industry more bad reviews.

That really sucks about the lies and scare tactics by roof cleaning contractors out there. I hope that the customers in that area don't link all the contractors in with the bunch that lie and use scare tactics, that would suck.
Name Change

Hey guys, how bout some feed from this back statement?

Some contractors and home owners do use chlorine bleach as a cheap roof cleaner, but it is not advisable. Chlorine will also kill your plants, and is harmful to the environment and is not a effective reviver. In some cases, the chlorine runoff from the roof can void your termite warranty due to the interaction with the chemicals in the ground guarding your home. Its too risky to spray and forget the termite protection. In short, using chlorine bleach is not worth the risk when there are other much safer and less costly alternatives.