Was there anyone from Oklahoma there?
Something was adopted recent, Robert made mention of it.
Was there anyone from Oklahoma there?
Thing is, this is now a "Political Battle" since these "City Officials" won't listen, you have to go to their Bosses, that would be the "City Council" and "State Your Case". You need to find a "Friend" on the Council that will stand up for "Small Business". Talk to him show him that this is not just a "Cosmetic" issue, but a "Public Health & Safety" issue as well. If that doesn't work, get the local News Stations and News Papers involved, they would eat this story up. Do like the "Farmers" do when they get "Pissed". Get every Pressure Washing Rig in Houston and "Surround City Hall". That will get the attention of "State Representatives".
The City Of Houston Is Destroying Small Business, And Endangering Public Heath & Safety In The Process !!!
What Politician In His Right Mind Wouldn't Get Behind This Headline And Jump On The Nearest Soapbox For Our Cause???
Small Business Is A Very "Hot Button" Topic...........So Use It!!!
Call him here his cell 8173663041Where would i find the information that Robert has made mention of. Is it in the link he listed yesterday?