Central Florida Round table

Come on Tom you know that answer! Hell I drive by 3-4 of you a day. LOL

You are correct about one thing, we have been doing 3-4 a day so the opp is there for you to drive by and have a look at us working.

Hehee instead of "drivebymedia" (term el rushbo coined) we can call you drivebyroofcleaner since you watch us work so much.

good day kory, finally had a chance to reply! lol
You left yourself open on that one. Im glad you had some time to think of a comeback. Glad to hear you are still at it. I think I have only seen you in the field once in three years. however, it was me that was working and you driving. Others I see daily, some I see once then never again however the trailer looks the same but the business name has changed. good luck i hope to see you at the RT!
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I thought we were going to the Hard Rock, I think that will be a blast. And it gives me a reason to gamble!! Tampa is where everyone should want to go due to all the ammenities Gambling, Ybor City, Mons Venus, Gambling!!
They would not return my call after 5 messages to the sales manager i quit trying. Any one can go in the evening if there are enough that want to go we could put some money together and hire a shuttle bus.
Or you and Nick can empty your Rigs and bolt down some chairs...:D
I can see it now! Hahaha! It would look like 2 floats driving down 275 at 60 mph. :eek:
You left yourself open on that one. Im glad you had some time to think of a comeback. Glad to hear you are still at it. I think I have only seen you in the field once in three years however it was me that was working and you driving. Others I see daily, some you I once then never again however the trailer looks the same but the business name has changed. good luck i hope to see you at the RT!


Slow down and try again buddy, tough to understand what you are trying to say.
... what is all this cryptic, innuendo stuff?

people out to get who? develop a plan for what? :confused:

Congratulations on the 9 tile roofs in 3 days though, glad you are busy and working fast by the sounds of things.

... back on topic, anything on the agenda for the RT? :)

Steve, if you followed around my posts long enough you would know.

Thanks for the kind words about the roofs Steve.