Carolina Cleaners

how about an Alabama , Florida and Georgia alliance ? hummmm ,

Alaflorgia? Sounds like a neat place :)

Until the PWNC is completely off the ground, which includes getting the site up, I can only speculate and dream about what this group can be. Trying to plan that far in advance sometimes makes the present unclear.

As to discussions about a national org - best wishes, good luck to any who are trying to do this! As for me, I like the focus I am trying to keep on our contactors in this area. You can do much more for a few and I think at this time, that may be a better route than less for many.

You sound like the Queen of Clean!

I think the effort will pay off for you Celeste, you already have the respect of many online.

Russ is on the right track aligning states that can work WITH/not against each other. Those states all share similar issues, now here in the quaker state...I see PA/NJ/NY working together.

Tell Roger that "the cocoa bean" is doing well. 65 pound lap dog THANKS!
Florida is its own country.

Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, maybe.
Alageorgissippi :) Anybody else see those commercials? Some cell service - they make me laugh combining locations to make a place LOL

Alageorgissippi :) Anybody else see those commercials? Some cell service - they make me laugh combining locations to make a place LOL


If I'm not mistaken it also the one with the fewest dropped cal

as I was saying...fewest dropped calls. I had a lengthy conversation with one of their technical department reps....our phones did not ring in the stores (have a support tower on the roof). New phones made a difference.
In all seriousness, I really believe that if groups were to organize on a smaller area basis, it is a great foundation for a strong national or international organization down the line. I'm not really doing anything that the bbs don't provide, just tailoring the network to fit a smaller demographic and provide more direct benefits for our particular needs. It can be done anywhere contractors want to unite.

I think it will be more successful on a smaller basis since more people know each other and would be willing to join up. Plus you get the benefit of addressing local issues like water problems and regulations/licensing on a state basis.

Plus Celeste is the prodigy of event and organization stuff so its pretty much guaranteed to be good
I would walk very carefully with regards to local geographical groups banding together. From the outside it looks great but from the government standpoint they collusion and price-fixing just one person complains and you have big problems. With large national groups tend to avoid pricing. In fact at the last IKECA show nothing was even hinted at price of service.
We will all take a solemn oath not to fix prices with our customers. What I do anticipate is, however, enough quality contractors on the same pricing page encouraging new companies to price correctly......same is as done on nationwide bbs's everyday :)

That is price fixing-you simply can not talk price. You don't see price discussed on this bb-and price shold not be talked about the USA because price in LA and SF is not the same as Little Rock
David, I respectfully disagree on pricing not being discussed. It is spoken of over and over again (Delco, Cody and many others) and it will be no further fixed in our network than a simple discussion of HOW to price a job. I don't believe anyone has even made mention of talking about price discussion until you brought it up.

You missed my point. When a group of lets say five cleaner get together and say “lets establish that we will clean at $.50 sq. foot and no less”, that is collusion in its pure form. This creates a market that has an established price. For this reason companies do not meet other than on a social basis. Being a small group of cleaner will not get the eye of regulators unless there is a complaint.

Sure you can post your price so that all can see-you just can’t establish a bench mark price as a group. A good example of this would be your local independent gas stations who are always at odds on the perception of price fixing as a group.
But if the purpose of a network was not ever based on price fixing, the mention of collusion never entering the scenario, why the point? The PWNA members met locally and it was not an issue, other organizations meet regularly and it is not a flag. The discussion of HOW to price a job from a standpoint of how to stay in business should never even be subject to scrutiny - it's all over the place!

I got your point - I'm just saying that it isn't going to apply with what this effort is about.

Celeste :)
You missed my point. When a group of lets say five cleaner get together and say “lets establish that we will clean at $.50 sq. foot and no less”, that is collusion in its pure form. This creates a market that has an established price. For this reason companies do not meet other than on a social basis. Being a small group of cleaner will not get the eye of regulators unless there is a complaint.

Sure you can post your price so that all can see-you just can’t establish a bench mark price as a group. A good example of this would be your local independent gas stations who are always at odds on the perception of price fixing as a group.

A company my dad worked for, they made plastic forks, spoons etc, they got busted, they had several meetings and the feds did get them and another company on price fixing. The owner a multi millionaire was put in jail for 18 months and fined a few million. I remember he was shocked, that they found him guilty
I'm still trying to figure out where talking about pricing even got mentioned in the plan that was posted? Jeff, while you were at the ACR Round Table, did anyone talk to anyone else about pricing? Wouldn't that be the same thing - a group of contractors getting together talking about pricing???

All I'm trying to do is put together a group of people that can pool funds to advertise bigger & better, that can call on a colleague for help, that can get a web presence if they don't have one right now, to be (here's that one voice thing again) heard in government that we can be part of the water solution and a host of other things that were outlined in the annoucement......nothing ever even suggested that pricing was involved anywhere other than how much it costs to make this thing float!
