Celeste Celeste are you going to chime in?
how about an Alabama , Florida and Georgia alliance ? hummmm ,
AlageorgissippiAnybody else see those commercials? Some cell service - they make me laugh combining locations to make a place LOL
You missed my point. When a group of lets say five cleaner get together and say “lets establish that we will clean at $.50 sq. foot and no less”, that is collusion in its pure form. This creates a market that has an established price. For this reason companies do not meet other than on a social basis. Being a small group of cleaner will not get the eye of regulators unless there is a complaint.
Sure you can post your price so that all can see-you just can’t establish a bench mark price as a group. A good example of this would be your local independent gas stations who are always at odds on the perception of price fixing as a group.