CAP open for business

Thanks Scott, I agree with you. We all do what we can. I actually Like Steve also. We haven't talked in a while, but I loved his no nonsense attitude. He is a good guy. If you ever have any questions, feel free to call. My phone is on 24 hours a day. I understand that alot of contractors do work at night, so for this reason I am here for them. I may be a little groggy at 4 am, but I will still answer the phone and help with whatever someone needs help with. I don't just sell parts and machines, I give advice and help with anything I can. Give me a call sometime. Whenever you need anything, I'll be here.
Can't you guys tell when I'm kidding around with you?
I am going to fulfill my end of the bargain as to the commercial accounts. I wouldn't have wanted to cancel them on me, so I would feel bad to cancel on them. How is your list working out so far John?
When is your website coming out for your online store?? As far as that Commercial list I got from you its sitting on my computer desk. When your were in the process of sending me that list I got lucky and picked up a nice size Retail Center Complex. Along with my other commercial account and my other job I've been pretty busy. On top of this I may end up as my union president in a few weeks because of a major contract squabble my job got its self into. I will definitely use that list when time permits.

What I can't wait for is the PWNA convention in Dallas that I am attending so I can get a break from my hectic life style back home. Of course I booked my flights for the Convention a few weeks ago and now I need to get there a day earlier for business reasons and I may have to eat my plane tickets and re-schedule(Long Story). Welcome to my life..........
Congrats on the union pres. and being busy enough not to need the list yet. that has to feel good. as for the website. I was going to have an e-commerce site built, but I think I am just going to set up a store site myself. Hopefully within the next few weeks. Is there something in particular you were wondering about prices on?
At the present time, I can sell Tuff, PressurePro, Mi T M, and a few smaller named companies. I am in the process of getting some more lines on the list. I will be selling everything under the sun for the pressure washing business. parts, supplies, machines, waste water recovery, you name it.
Hey all. No, Justin is still around. I'm still doing my thing. Justin learned quickly that nickle and cents margins are not where Justin wants to compete or needs to compete. I'm still doing the supply thing locally. Just don't have any need to conduct business over the net. I do stop by from time to time but life is changing and I'm spending time doing more productive things. I'm spending more time with my family and business is doing much better.

As far as Mike, good luck in your new venture. You seem to be moving swiftly... be careful not to move too fast. You'll learn some lessons along the say, I can assure you of that. But good luck anyway.