Buy American???????

.........This sense of entitlement that a vast majority of the American working class has, has crippled our country and our economy..........

You just brought up another huge factor in our failure.

The educational system teaches our kids that you have to be a college graduate or you are a failure.

That leaves below average Johhny with a problem. He isn't making good enough grades for college (plus, he doesn't much like school anyway) so he quits.

He won't go work at a factory because he's been taught by his teachers that factories are where people worked in the olden days before unions saved them from having to do manual labor. Those kinds of jobs are looked at with scorn from kindergarten thru secondary school.

So Johhny turns to TV to find out where his life should be going. He tries to be a C.S.I. but finds out he does need a degree for that.

He tries to be a rapper (because everybody knows that's how to make a living in this economy) :groucho:and somebody beats the crap out of him after a studio takes all his money for making his "demo".

What is Johnny to do? He can either turn to crime.....or turn to the government. So Johnny finds out from a friend how to fake an injury and get SSI from the government for the rest of his life. Thus he does both crime and government.

Accidentally, (because he would never watch the news on purpose because that's all boring stuff) he hears that bad "Republicans" want to scrutinize his SSI. From there on out, the democratic party has a lifetime voter.

To continue the cycle.

Welcome to America 2010.