Buy American???????

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
The question is what would we do without if you didnt buy American?

What are we really using thats american?

Any one want to go first...

I know if my DVD player breaks I would have to go without. I dont believe one is made in the USA.

Will we have to re-tool factory's? Is this our only true way out.

Do we really need anymore cooks in places that are closing?

I have looked at my leasure expenses for 2009 and they are down 50% over the last three years.

Its not complaining just making a statement that I too will affect the economy.

My tiping is down 20%, did I become a cheap skate?

No I have just not been going out as much as I used too.

I went to see Charlie Murphy last week, empty seats at the improv on a recorded show. Great show but no one there, this is cheap entertainment. 25 per person two item minimum.

I don't want to loose the theaters we have, the art we have.

This needs to turn around now!!

I once said will never make anything here again.

I now say we have too...
We can't make anything here. Unions have destroyed US manufacturing. Interfering federal and state governments have put their hands out taking money for fees, inpections, taxes, licensing, etc and driven all the work to other countries that offer less interference.

This country cannot turn around without a complete return to what made it great in the first place combined with a national bankruptcy. It's inevitable now.
Bring our troops home from every corner of the earth that we are either fighting in or protecting. Surround our country with our troops and point all our guns outward, when they come calling about some genicide in their country we will respectivly decline to get involved in their countries turmoils !! Oh Yeah and our Wheat export will be the same price as a Barrel of Oil !!
I think its to late now. the US has passed the point of no return. and thats why we are buying things from overseas. If all other countries would stop sending us products,we would be so behind because no one knows how to make cars,microchips,tvs,etc and if we went to war....... we would not be called the US anymore. the US is weird and people in other countries laugh at us..and it not realy land of the free anymore. its land of the fee.
I think its to late now. the US has passed the point of no return. and thats why we are buying things from overseas. If all other countries would stop sending us products,we would be so behind because no one knows how to make cars,microchips,tvs,etc and if we went to war....... we would not be called the US anymore. the US is weird and people in other countries laugh at us..and it not realy land of the free anymore. its land of the fee.

The other countries can keep laughing at us all they want. So many nationalities still want to come here probably more then any other country in the world. America is Resilient and we will find a way. We are still by far the most powerful Country in the world who could if we wanted to blow up just about all of our enemies...but that is not the way to do things if your smart.

Where just in a lull right now with our new President but will recover..we always do.
I like your idea Nick except we would just have 75% of those soldiers un-employed.

We need to start taxing those for our protection. We give give give give and never get back.

We should be able to offer resonable help to others. Giving a country 60 bil right now is silly. We dont have it, we need to produce things here.
my state is trying to pass a bill that will up the taxes on big companys. So I figure Mexico should be doing good here soon. After the big companys move from here to there.
I like your idea Nick except we would just have 75% of those soldiers un-employed.

We need to start taxing those for our protection. We give give give give and never get back.

We should be able to offer resonable help to others. Giving a country 60 bil right now is silly. We dont have it, we need to produce things here.

How do you fiqure Ron? If we brought them all home we would save Billions every year. Then we keep them working at all ports and airports and borders around the country. We can put them to work rounding up all the ilegal's and getting them the hell out of here.

Your right about charging other countries for our armed services !! But I rather just let them kill each other then go in and take out all the oil that were shedding our kid's blood over now!!
It's seems that China is the Big Dog right now with all these other Countries, Now lets see how much China gives away in AID to other Counties in need like the USA does.

We are the first to show up and help out and WE ARE THE FIRST TO BE BASHED.

I want China to step up to the plate and not with WEAPON give aways either.
But seeing's how they have lots of child labor or slave labor to make this stuff so cheap, I bet the don't Give CRAP AWAY to anyone else.

It's time we start manufacturing things back here in the states and not make them crappy either, put a little effort into the product so it lasts a few days longer then the Chinese Junk.

We Have Borders to Protect if we don't want to be blown up again and it is coming and not on an Air Plane either. They have us looking in Airports and not at the border, The Soldiers we have all around the world could come back here and Protect us and too Hell with these other Countries.
Interesting dialogue. I do know that the US makes it hard to get intp the country legally, but very easy to leave. That tells me a lot.
We would probably be well served by redeveloping a vibrant manufacturing base. We have a worldwide reputation fpr quality products and have for a century. We really need to capitalize on that to become more self sufficient.
It also probably help if people were to realize that not everyone can sit at a desk, too.
The US has lost 25% of its manufacturing jobs in the last ten years or so. You can blame the unions to a degree but our trade policies are insane and the government interference with business here leaves many companies with no choice but to ship manufacturing overseas. The government needs to quit punishing US businesses with high taxes and all the oversight they have to submit to that foreign companies do not. This country will not survive without a strong manufacturing sector. I agree with others that we should quit policing the world, giving aid to others countries, etc. Lets fix Americas first.
Interesting dialogue. I do know that the US makes it hard to get intp the country legally, but very easy to leave. That tells me a lot.
We would probably be well served by redeveloping a vibrant manufacturing base. We have a worldwide reputation fpr quality products and have for a century. We really need to capitalize on that to become more self sufficient.
It also probably help if people were to realize that not everyone can sit at a desk, too.

I think that is one of the big problems we have here, everyone wants an office job where they can sit down all day long but a lot of people don't have the right skills for those kind of jobs, it is hard enough to get the kids to stay in school.

I think that it is good that the schools are giving the kids more computer skills but there are some more skills I wish they gave them before they graduate like knowing how to troubleshoot problems, knowing about real-life marketing and selling (needed in most businesses but not taught in most schools) and knowing how to run a business, that can be adapted to most businesses and be beneficial to a lot of businesses.
It is easy to blame China for the loss of manufacturing in this country but the simple fact is if our workers were more efficent and did a better job producing, they would not lose as much to cheap overseas labor.

I was a manager at a facility, owned by a Fortune 50 company, it was a union mill that had been around for over 60 years. We began to see an influx of chinese product in the particular product we produced, we tried to explain to these folks that they needed to work harder, work smarter, produce more and produce a higher quality product. We told them this for several years, nothing improved, no change, nothing. 350 people lost their jobs when the mill was closed. Most of the union, mill workers were not employable elsewhere. Very Sad. This sense of entitlement that a vast majority of the American working class has, has crippled our country and our economy.

We can't blame someone else for making a cheaper product. Sure they have no EPA, OSHA and it is a communist country and the people make only penny's a day, but they are making a product, shipping it have way across the globe and selling it. We buy it and then complain about it.

Not really sure why I wrote all that...
I agree

Doug, I agree with what you said. Time to take care of our own! That being said, a close friend of mine just returned from Bengladesh. (His wife was from there) As he described his visit, he kept taking about all the dust, bad air, and generall filth. It is because we have worked very hard for a long time in this country that, we too, do not have these same problems. We regulate air, water, and land quality. Manufacturing proccesses do have rules too so we do not add to the environment in negative ways. Let's face it, to do this, it costs. While the union may have negativity associated with it, it was originally brought about so greedy businessmen were kept in check and hard working individuals were not taken advantage of. These are not bad things. HOW we do these things can get bad, and costly. If we as humans did the right thing always, these issues would be mute, but since human nature is what it is, then if we want better conditions, we need some way to accomplish it. It may raise the price of something, but I submit that it's better than being able to start a fire on the water from what was dumped there.....something to think about I hope. Just my 2 cents.
How do you fiqure Ron? If we brought them all home we would save Billions every year. Then we keep them working at all ports and airports and borders around the country. We can put them to work rounding up all the ilegal's and getting them the hell out of here.

Your right about charging other countries for our armed services !! But I rather just let them kill each other then go in and take out all the oil that were shedding our kid's blood over now!!

I'm not saying I don't like your idea other than it's agaisnt the constitution. If we kept them working we would just be. Mishandling and spending money on

crap not needed. This is what we do best, spend money on stuff we dnt need.

I think we should even reduce our interior defense. 5 tritons mass more weapon power than 3 times the entire world.

We have gone nuts about these enemy's .

The terriorist won when gas shot to 5 bucks a gallon .

Nick I'm with ya, I hope it doesn't take a revolution.
I think its to late now. the US has passed the point of no return. and thats why we are buying things from overseas. If all other countries would stop sending us products,we would be so behind because no one knows how to make cars,microchips,tvs,etc Hey if Cuba can do without and still make it we can to! and if we went to war....... we would not be called the US anymore. the US is weird and people in other countries laugh at us..and it not realy land of the free anymore. its land of the fee.

Ever seen the cars there! They are from the 50s and still running
I like your idea Nick except we would just have 75% of those soldiers un-employed.

We need to start taxing those for our protection. We give give give give and never get back.

We should be able to offer reasonable help to others. Giving a country 60 bil right now is silly. We don't have it, we need to produce things here.

We do Tax them but its in the form of big business! ENRON! We make them use US company's to rebuild or build infrastructure. And the Fat cats get paid! God I need to get in to government never mind I want to die with a clear conscious
It is easy to blame China for the loss of manufacturing in this country but the simple fact is if our workers were more efficent and did a better job producing, they would not lose as much to cheap overseas labor.

I was a manager at a facility, owned by a Fortune 50 company, it was a union mill that had been around for over 60 years. We began to see an influx of chinese product in the particular product we produced, we tried to explain to these folks that they needed to work harder, work smarter, produce more and produce a higher quality product. We told them this for several years, nothing improved, no change, nothing. 350 people lost their jobs when the mill was closed. Most of the union, mill workers were not employable elsewhere. Very Sad. This sense of entitlement that a vast majority of the American working class has, has crippled our country and our economy.

We can't blame someone else for making a cheaper product. Sure they have no EPA, OSHA and it is a communist country and the people make only penny's a day, but they are making a product, shipping it have way across the globe and selling it. We buy it and then complain about it.
Not really sure why I wrote all that...

And you wonder why they can make it for a PENNY and Sell it over here ?

We are to Blame and the EPA and all the Regs we are subject too are the reason why we can't make it for a Penny and yes we do buy there stuff, but of coarse we don't make it, so if we don't make it were else you going to buy it from? LOL.

Fair Trade is what they call it but how can it be Fair Trade when we are subject to MANY MANY more things then they are and have to charge more for a product.

I think there is a lot of blame to go around on both sides in a company, but our Lovely GOV is not helping us one BIT either.