I did drop in visits with/without "goodies" +
different and relevant literature/brochures each stop +
lunches with the district managers and property managers +
coupons +
referral fees +
free demos +
referrals of a friends +
referrals from one of our former businesses +
had someone with knowledge answer the phone every time .===== whew!
Did all that for up to 4 yrs non stop.
All of that so I could have a busy week too:
I went mountain biking with Fayth and Shelly on Monday (after we made work followup calls)

Carlos birthday party and bowling on Tuesday (after finishing up our base route schedule for 2012)
Doctor's office all day Wednesday! UUUGGGH! I'm old! :help:
Filter work in another town Thursday morning + Cleaning the petroleum plant station Thursday night and a nice round of golf in between.

Back on the roofs Today, tomorrow and Sunday though.
But I did sneak in another bike ride with Fayth in the City before sunset today
Ron is starting to rub off on me.
Life is too short. Get out there and make the money. But we all need to take a breather.
That's what's so nice about this quarterly/bimonthly route without having to rely on incoming work calls. It lets you sit back and take a breath between selling sessions.
The only selling we are actively doing this week is followup on the customers who DIDN'T chose us to make sure our competition is doing the job so we can get the scraps if they mess up.
You guys are doing the hard part right now.
Don't give up, it will pay off. It takes time and determination!
I'll get back to selling in a few weeks.