Burnt Jeep on driveway


A customer of mine had their Jeep catch fire on their driveway, to cut a long story short, the tires melted into the driveway, they have already scraed up the lumps and were useing phospheric Acid and a stainless steel brush to try and remove the rest!

i advised against this, as it was etching the concrete, any ideas on the best chemical to use?

something with the highest amount of sodium hydroxide you can find.
HD80 for one.
tires are made out of oil and synthetic's
you did'nt say what the driveway was made of.
i'll guess cement.
no matter what your going to have to etch the whole driveway mith a muratic acid solution to get it to look even.
Last option is home depot sell's bags of concreate re-surfacer.
It's thin-set for cement. So you can cover the damage.
Im looking into cleaning and re-surfaceing lately.
Goes on just like black top sealer.
would be nice to cover up the oil stain's that never came out.
Wash it,resurface it,seal it-im going to talk to JAY at V-SEAL and see if i can mix the V-SEAL right into the re-surfacer.
It should make it stonger then the orig pour.
Where does this acid go after you put it on the driveway? Do you have to be careful not to let this drain into the water system ?