

New member
I'm redoing my brochures all over again, they have too much info on them trying to sell everything. It's down right frustrating
My targets were: Homeowners, Property Managers, Commercial. I had good success with these areas before.
New areas of interest: Fleet Washing, Tractor Trailers, Restaurants, Industrial, Seniors Complexes.
We've moved to the otherside of Canada, the area is financially depressed, so price is an issue. Do a good job and I'll have work come quickly.

What do you all use for literature that works Great. Can I see examples please.


Bill :)
How well do you guys do on the brochures. Are they a hit and miss or do you get steady calls from people. I take a different approach. I started off with one commercial property with this property manager, now I wash about 12 of his centers. Then he tells his buddies. Give good work and more work will come your way.
In my opinion, all of the brochures accept a-plus are WAY too busy.

For all who are considering brochures, simple and specific are most effective.
(and attractive)

Dan Stapleton
I am working on a cleaning and fire catalog for B&R

We tried brochures , but we do so many different things it's hard to put it all on a brochure .. we are thinking about starting a mailing list and sending out the B&R Mags.... this will cost us about 68 cents per magazine..Our fire equipment sales have been dropping over the past 7 months or so ,, really after katrina... Our Fire depts. have been slacking off on thier inspections and because of this our customer's are not wanting to have thier equipment inspected on time.. New Sales of vent hoods and system have gone down as we have identified 2 companies that have been running around the coast area and slightly up north to Hattiesburg selling non compliant fire systems at a cheap price... What a rip off... Anyway the mags are in the working and should come out by the first of 2007.....