

My sister sent me this picture of her bricks although the picture is not the best, any suggestions on some quality chemicals.
I would like the names of chemicals, not just links to companies, as I have many and after looking at a few and them all saying they are the best, I would like to know what people have actually used and what they would use again.
Bricks have some mold, she says they look oxidized and the efforesence in some places is really bad.
Thank you for your time
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If standard bricks were used vs. pavers, the coating has most likely worn off. Standard bricks are not ideal for walkways unless they are sealed.

Mold and mildew can be removed with Prosoco EK BioKlean.
It should be sealed with Prosoco SLX Water & Oil Repellant Sealer after cleaning.

If she/you are sure its efflorescence than:
Prosoco Sure Klean Light Duty Concrete Cleaner will remove it.
It most likely will also remove mold & mildew so start with this.

If it’s white wet stains you can use Prosoco T-1261 Hard Water Deposit Remover then seal. Not sure if this will remove mold & mildew also.

If it’s “White Scum” you can check by wetting brick. If white can be seen while it’s wet, then its white scum, not efflorescence. Prosoco White Scum Remover will clean this then you should seal.

Thank you Paul. I was leaning towards Prosoco, but after reading their product list, it all started to look the same after awhile. Now that i know exactly which items to go for, I can proceed to the next step.

Thank you
Are you sure those aren't mortar smears? I can't tell from the pic. If mortar, then you will need to use D600 or something similar. In all cases, test a small area.
I only know as much as the picture. I have not seen these bricks for a long time and when I did I had no idea that I would be into cleaning them one day. Sister lives a good distance, so have not had a chance to go there for myself, and get a better idea.
Needed to get an idea of chemicals, so I can start getting a price together and then will see if the sis will have it done or just let the dirt take over.