BMP's for WI and MN

Ooops, forgot the email.

Neil: Per your request, The attachment contains BMP’s that are applicable to outside pressure washing activities. Should you have further questions regarding the applicability of Minnesota’s permitting requirements related to pressure washing activities please contact Jeff Udd of the MPCA at 218/302-6637.

That's all folks!
Thanks for all your help!!! Good Stuff, Positive BMP we can live with. Resonable working relations between the gov and you.

Yes we all should be responsible , thats how thing go bad.

Sorry this took so long to post, I finally am getting busy! The first part is the email I received, and the attachment is the official BMP that the MN Pollution Control advises all pressure washers to use. However, like Blaine said earlier, there is next to no enforcement at this time. No excuse to not be responsible, though! But, it certainly makes the waters a little less muddy for those of us in the Twin Cities. It took about a month, seven phones calls, and 5 emails to get this answer just in case anyone was wondering.
Thats great Info Neal

Ooops, forgot the email.

Neil: Per your request, The attachment contains BMP’s that are applicable to outside pressure washing activities. Should you have further questions regarding the applicability of Minnesota’s permitting requirements related to pressure washing activities please contact Jeff Udd of the MPCA at 218/302-6637.

That's all folks!
That is great, hopefully things like that can trickle down to other cities instead of them adopting what is happening in Houston, Texas.

Things need to be reasonable so the contractor can not only comply but be able to earn a living while doing the right thing.