Blast Master Magazine

e-magazine -- interesting idea

I would pay for it.

Who knows, maybe Cleaner Times will create an e-magazine that targets the pressure washing industry only. Sooner or later, somebody will.
We are pleased to announce our idea - still in the concept stage - of creating an E-magazine called Got Dirt? This publication will address questions, concerns, methods, chemicals, business tips & requirements, organizations and any other ideas or interests that are submitted from all facets of the cleaning and restoration industry. We are interested in hearing from power washers, window washers, janitorial services, wood restoration professionals, mobile detailers, AHJ's - anyone who cleans something as their profession or who contributes information, equipment, regulations, etc... to those professionals.

Got Dirt? will be on a subscription basis to contractors - they will be delivered in PDF format into your email box Any funds generated by this publication, ie, contributions, advertisements sold, etc... will be set aside for charitable purposes. Charitable purposes that we’ve thought of thus far are: sponsorships for Round Tables, sponsorships for classes or certifications, hardship funds for contractors who have experienced unforeseen business disasters. These are just ideas and have not been completely defined or requirements set.

There will be regular bylines: "Dirty Little Secrets" which will be full of tips and tricks of the trades submitted by readers."All About Dirt" will be articles about a chosen type of dirt and it's remedies. "Dirty Rags" will be photos submitted by readers of their jobs well done. Annoucements on organizational gatherings, ie, Round Tables, courses or certification class schedules, projects, etc... will be placed in a monthly calendar. There will also be a space for submitting questions that will be answered by qualified individuals from the respective industry - we’ll be needing a name for this section also!

We want your input on what you'd like to see since this will be for the contractor! We also welcome and encourage anyone to submit articles for publication. We will not be posting a first publication date until later in March.

Let us know what you think

Beth Borrego & Celeste Gothorp
If Ron M. doesn't have a problem with it then it's not an issue. You see, Ron and I have known each other a long time ( as in years). Ron posts links on TGS all the time to pull folks over to PWI - and I don't whine, and I leave his links there. I doubt very seriously he would have a problem with me adding one link to his dozens.


Beth & Rod said:
If Ron M. doesn't have a problem with it then it's not an issue. You see, Ron and I have known each other a long time ( as in years). Ron posts links on TGS all the time to pull folks over to PWI - and I don't whine, and I leave his links there. I doubt very seriously he would have a problem with me adding one link to his dozens.



Hey Beth, actually I was just wondering why you all posted the info on other boards and not here. I didn't think it was a problem, I just felt that you'd want to share here with us also. It was only meant as encouragement.

Thanks Celeste!
Alan you only offered Henry cheese so I will throw in the crackers to go with it. That way he can make a sandwhich and enjoy himself.

Henry someday I will call you so we can talk without all the extra chatter but be honest here, all your 6 or 7 post on TGS were negative in a way, all the teasing Beth did was in good faith but you had a problem with it.

Remember this, if you don't like a post do the following:

1: Don't read it.

2: Don't reply to it.

3: Read it and don't reply.

That way you won't get so upset or negative feedback.

Although I am no longer in the business and starting something else I still enjoy reading the boards and at times replying but if you notice I don't really give out advice since I am not in the business anymore and feel others do a darn good job of it.

Anyway someday when you least expect it your phone might ring and a guy with a silly accent will say Henry? Henry Brockman? and you will know it is me.

Do you use Yahoo, AIM or MSN for chat? if so shoot me an Email with your name for the one you use.
Hey Jon,

I use AIM, user name is Henryshousework

I'm not against the idea of an e-mag at all, I've actually written quite a few articles myself. It's true I may be impatient and yes I do shake my christmas
I've just never been a big fan of drama, I'm more of an action movie kinda guy.

My post above though had nothing to do with other posts, I just wanted her to share her idea on this BBS since I'm a fan of it and I want the members of this board to hear about it also if they don't visit the other boards.

My personal opinion of the whole thing is, I like the idea. Just not the way it was presented but since it's Beths magazine she can announce it anyway she wants. Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing the first issue. Has anyone heard when that's going to be yet?
We'll be announcing the first issue date sometime in March :)

Hey Ron, you should write about flatwork. Can I get you to put together an article?
Beth don't ask Ron, just tell him the date you want it in by and let him know he has no way out of it.

I know as others do Ron can say a lot.

Ron I bet Beth or Celeste will even use SPELL CHECK for you:)

Henry I will open it and look for you.
I think its an awesome idea. I would like to see articles on marketing, advertising, business planning, budgeting, etc - articles that are specific to building and maintaining a pressure washing business.

I'll pay for a subscription.
Tim, we would love to have an article from you. Are you interested?
It's been out of print for years.
I was not sure cause I only found the info super highway about 2 years ago , until then I was a contractor in a world w/o knowledge , I am almost embarrassed to admit that , I look back 3 years and wonder how I was doing as well as I was ,but thanks to floks like you and Ron for boards like these my business has grown leaps and bounds .Actuall the first board I joined was PWN then PWI and from here I found you at TGS