Ron I guess you have a issue with any one who has a different opinion then you. I simply agreed with Brian that any one who throws stuff at people has anger issues. Then you text me saying I am negative, how is that negative to agree with someone??
Ron this is a great forums I tried to block you out so I would not ever see your post but it wont let me.
You seem to attack me every-time I have a different opinion then you do.
If you would like to help me can you please block all of your post on this site to me, that would be a great help.
Ps I am one of the most positive people you have ever talked to. why the constant attacks? are you full of that much hate to anyone who has a different opinion then you.
You ask me why I hang around you guys on a text, I dont hang around you guys, I come here because of a lot of people, and you are not one of them, that I promise. This is a great forum, If I could just block you out I would but the controls don't allow it.
Ron please loose my telephone number I am getting tired of all your instigating text messages.
Thanks for the help on blocking your post and loosing my telephone number. Can I count on you for that?
No Dave the opinion was made in a negative light.
I'll still help you Dave anytime you like.
Dave Mac why come here if you just mentioned above you can't stand us ?
What definition of leader says I can't state my own thoughts and opinions honestly? Are you so use to being lied to that you expect us to lie to you?
Dave I feel poorly for the bad things your said about me, yes it bothers me. I'm over now as I attempted to let the past be in the past. I don't hold any issue with you Dave.
If the future please treat all the members here with different respect you have given us. We don't need this non sense in these threads. Seems your stuck in the middle each time.
I won't apologize to Ty , he is a big man. He read the posts above and sees I tried to attempt to get along with you. Funny thing is most of these bbs if you had just told the staff you dislike them like you have here you would be gone. Ty knows we don't ban folks because they don't like us. We are simply more secure with who we are here.
Have fun Dave, my offers still open if you change your mind. I'm going to kill you with kindness.
You have a good week , you got my number if you need me.
FYI Dave I won't need to disappoint you as a leader much longer , I'm resigning.
Ron Musgraves
"Sidewalk cleaning"