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Bcs ?


  • BCS

    Votes: 6 12.2%

    Votes: 43 87.8%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Playoffs would be the way to go. It would stop all the "IF's".
I am a BAMA fan in GATOR Country so you know I wasnt to happy with this year's results...:( :( :(
NOT TO SAFE to run around Gville with BAMA on my truck!
Not having play offs is kinda like the green dots!!!!!!

Got to be able to beat the team to be better than they are. Its football and the outcome of #1 should be on the field!!
I am a Gator Fan! I feel a playoff would benifit all teams. I hope the Gators go all the way, but in a play off if they were to lose, I would respect the better team that beat them to move on! Hugh
I am from Ohio, went to college at Alabama State University, and I have a daughter who was in College when the Gators won both in Football & Basketball.

Last year, my daughter was taking additional college classes at USF !!

Giving all of the complexities with the current system, I think that a play off would settle things quite well. Since when do we have a 'panel' decide who plays against who ?

The current system just doesn't make sense !
Playoffs would be the way to go. It would stop all the "IF's".
I am a BAMA fan in GATOR Country so you know I wasnt to happy with this year's results...:( :( :(
NOT TO SAFE to run around Gville with BAMA on my truck!

I know what you mean. I was born and raised in Jacksonville Florida all my life up until last year. I am a huge Gator fan and have been all my life. You are asking for it with the bama thing going on man.

On a side note. I always loved silver Springs. Went there all the time as well as Six Gun territory. That place was cool as a kid.

I have always been for a playoff system. Even with the Gators being the best in my opinion, I hate all the crying when the season is over. Maybe have like a sweet 20 championship playoff. Maybe the top 4 get a first round bye for a small reward. Sudden death scenario. If your good enough to be in the top 4, then you should not lose to a number 20 seed. I also think all the college rules should convert to NFL rules because it does these kids no good being conditioned sometimes for 5 years in the college rules and then goto the NFL with that branded into their minds. I also think that only NFL Refs should call the games at this point so you are not complaining that ones conference was sandbagging on calls or being too aggressive.
We all know the BCS is one sided here, and we knew at the beggining of the season who was going for the championship no matter what happend, The reffs will make sure of that :rolleyes:. Ask Arkansas, they can tell you all about that :lmao: Bama should have been in the #1 spot along time ago.

yea but all will be fighting over who should be the eight teams

Yes but at least you are arguing with real people not a statistical equation. Besides, most football seasons have 3-5 teams that really stand out so if those 3-5 make the playoffs with several othe teams on the bubble making it with them.....that's better than the BCS.

Playoffs all the way!
Would you like a playoff or the current BCS ?

As far as i'm concerned, computer formulated decision on the top 2 teams is bulls*it. We also lose out on all the best football excitement of the post season.

We all know that true champions are made on the field and not on some computer statistics !! :big_boss: