BBS history Post?

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
BBS history Post?

Delco BBS the mother of all BBS

Daves BBS who is Dave and what does he do?

Dan Flynn’s BBS

Why did Dan start his BBS? Does anyone want to speculate?


Started by ME (Ron Musgraves) for contractors & distributors.

Recently we have others that have sprung up and probably will have a few more before you know it.

I will elaborate more later on why I started and invite anyone else that wants to join me in this history topic that’s playing a major role in the pressure washing industry today.

(Please Note this is not a thread about who is better or number one. any mention of the best or who is number 1 will be deleted from this thread. (Moderator please help mod this) thankyou,

Some question I would like to fill in are when did delco start there site and when did they ad the BBS?

Why did Dan Flynn start his BBS? Respectfully Dan and I don’t see eye to eye so I doubt if we will here from him. (You never know)

I have only talked with Dave once long ago and don’t even know if he is a contractor or distributor?

Anyone can answer these questions a long as its professional.
Hello Ron,

I can remember back in 1994 or 95 Robert saying "You can get on the internet now and make a fool of yourself and no one will notice! Wait a few years and everyone will notice".

I think Delco started their site in 1995 and the board in '96. I decided to have a web page in '95 and got it up early '96.

Dave Olson
Hi Ron,

I've asked my resident expert (my wife) that question! All she says is "I have my ways!" :) She has done all of the work on my site. I'm not sure that she knows all of the things that she has done to make the site show up as much as it does!

Dave Olson
Frankly guys I was hoping to here more from some others on this subject. The guys that have been tuning into delcos site for many years. Even Dave’s site has been around awhile,, how long? ( I have not been to Daves bbs in awhile)

I give this one more plug and then I guess let her die…
Hey guys,

I think this BB has had the most professional responses than the rest of the BB that I have been on.

I always come here first!

I think that Delco started their sight in 1993 or 1994. I have been postingthere since I got the internet 6 years ago. I have been buying from them since about 1990.

Dave is a distributor, for Landa I think, and also sells various information to help contractors become more successful. Every once in a while he will have a machine to sell, and he posts it in the for sale section of his BBS. I do not know how long he has been around.

Dan Flynn used to own a servicemaster franchise in Illinois, and sold it a year or two ago to move to Houston. He has had this form of BBS for a couple of years, this is the second or third form of BBS that he has had. The previous versions were not nearly as busy as this one is. I think one of them may have had a grand total of 6 or 7 posts, or at least it seemed that way.

It seems as if a BBS does not take off within the first month or so, it is a death knell for that BBS.

I thin that Bigboy has been posting as Bigboy for about three years or so. HE might have posted under his real name, but I am not sure. There are only a few people that are still active on the BBS that have been for a long time, 5 years or so. Dave Olson, Mike Hughes, Dan Flynn (on his own BBS) and me. I might have missed a few.

I have to admit there are a few guys that I miss that could really get the pot stirring. Chris Jaccarino, who gave up on BBS's be cause of what he termed idiots, and Rick from Prowash, who I thinhk probably just got to busy to post anywhere, but does pop up from time to time. They always could get the pot stirring.
Anyone remember the Latimat Defense fund? That will show how long you have been on the BBS's. If you remember it post here, you might have been a troll.

Interesting. I was laughing to myself what you said about that guy Chris Jaccarino.

How about that guy Rod(I think that was his name) from Lightning Clean who loved pissing off the Hindeliters and a few others.

And of course Lance Winslow who makes alot of people cringe.

A guy named Kevin that Bigboy remembers that in the end he was having problems putting food on the table for his young wife and kids then fell off the face of the planet.

And recently that guy Ron Marshall that made Dan Flynn crazy.LOL:D :D :D
I cann't remember dates,if its over a week old its history that I know longer can remember or just as soon to forget :confused:

Remember when the pot got so stirred up alot of people got kicked off the bb's :rolleyes:.

Remember having battles with customers on the bbs,talk about pot stirring wow :p.

I miss Walt trying to blood my nose at times,wonder ifen a shark eat him,never heard from him after his saltwater fishing trip.

My last name also starts with a L,I posted under Larry and I posted under Larry L for awhile or until I got tired people thinking I was the Larry L. from Delco.Tried Grasshopper for awhile,also Highpockets,when I changed it to Bigboy everybody for years thought I was a over weight bald headed guy :cool:.

As I have stated,I cann't remember dates,it seems like years tho that the bbs's have been around.The pots don't get stirred nomore it may be b/c of what Robert said and as Dave Posted "You can get on the internet now and make a fool of yourself and no one will notice! Wait a few years and everyone will notice" :eek:.

I think any bbs can make it on the net,its how you market it as to ifen it die's or not.Ron has done a outstanding job in marketing the Pressure Washing Institute,just don't tell him I said so ;).

I've seen other bbs's cutting their own nose off on the marketing thingy as in not helping on other bbs to farther their own site.I see only one person battling the other sites as to how to market them but do they listen,na,may be the reason for a faster answer here with a little touch of pro.

I cann't even remember how long Ron has that his bbs b/c I thought he own them all :D .
Thanks for interesting descriptions and recollections. Keep them coming!!

Larry you are a hoot, thanks I think?? That’s why we love your post. Don’t really know what you’re saying. If I ever go into politics I will hire you as my speechwriter. We never will need to commit to anything.LOL

Interesting how the BBS have played out over the last year. I would need to say this year has and will be the biggest changes. Delco is going to gain back market. PWNA has a site long over due. Glen & Steve jumped in with the bigboys and look like they are making a run for it.

Many changes,, will all of these BBS make it?
I miss Chris J.'s posts too..................the guy only lives 30 miles from me and I've never met him or even talked to him..........

That whole Latimat thing was a mess.

Anyone remember Jason from Cool Drop?
I guess with all our help Kevin starved to death or the skeeters ate him.

I hear ya Ronnie but it'll fine'ly soak in,I think.

*Delco is going to gain back market.*.......why and how...if we don't tell them they want.

*Glen & Steve jumped in with the bigboys and look like they are making a run for it.* it was just Bigboy telling them what he thought and they ran from helping one bbs b/c of rules,I think both would make chicken'shit helpers wanting more privledges as in ifen I don't get my way crap on you.

*Many changes,, will all of these BBS make it?*........hmmmm it may lead to be time for us pro's to hallower we're not free nomore, that one of our privledges to post where we want,guess depends on how the rules are,some are like Glenn & Steve,run run run.Who would of thought when they said they'd help anybody dat a alittle rule would makem run from keeping their word,is dat the type of pro's dat we got to call pro's too.

I proved I wasn't no chicken'shit by going and staying where they where shiting,I may remind someone of those words,ha.

One of these days they'll be saying remember Scott,Jon,Mikie,who was dat guy Ron or was in keepmeout wonder what ever happen to Bigboy,did he get wiser and now playing with the BIGGER pro' he just said he was taking his puppy home,he'll be back,anyby no where he lived.
Sure, I don’t condemn Glen and Steve for starting there own BBS, I think anyone with a business should try it. Yes they are making a run for it.

Delco has spent the money for a better BBS and they will gain readership. That BBS will always be in the top 2. (Its my opinion but I think Larry & Robert are no dummies. )

And yes I agree with you about changes. In a couple of years I may be gone and someone else will be here. Or another BBS even better will come along and replace all of us.

This thread is just about past history. Events some never knew about, things that have transpired in this world that someone as knew as myself had never heard or knew about. That’s all. I really didn’t know how long BBS had been around. Interesting?

Bigboy, You just don't know when to shut up. We have tried to overlook you, figured you were not taught any better. No one really cares what you think. You just show your ignorance. The only thing you have proved with your grammer and speech is you never went far in school. Your image is the type that gives people in this business a bad name. Is that the type of conversations you have with the public? Go back and crawl under your rock.
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(Bigboy, You just don't know when to shut up.)

....yes I do.

(We have tried to overlook you, figured you were not taught any better. )

...didn't try to hard did figured wrong.

(No one really cares what you think.)

...Don't you think I know that,I guess you think they do you.

(You just show your ignorance.)

...great,it works doesn't it.

(The only thing you have proved with your grammer and speech is you never went far in school.)

...think god dad was able to get me dat far.

(Your image is the type that gives people in this business a bad name.)

...the image is for competitors,I see it works too.

(Is that the type of conversations you have with the public?)

...yes and no,depends on the one I'm talking to at the time.

(Go back and crawl under your rock.)

....ok,it safer and cooler under there,atleast daddy taught me to keep my word even if it cost me,I've always made money with it.



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Steven it doesn't matter to me wheather you do or not (Dan would be the one to ask),you done grabed your marbels and went home b/c you couldn't help without breaking another persons rules.

I'm not a vendor looking for new business,is this the type vendor you are,saying if you didn't help me I'll not help you.I think your wishy washy to what you say as I'll never buy from you,you think I'm the only one that can see that.

Why don't you get mad at Delco too b/c they have rules too,NO you want to blame Dan for your mistake,its his rules.If you make money he wants to make money too,I see nothing wrong in vendors paying his dues on any bbs if they are not there to help only but to sale his products also.Maybe all the vendors needs to go to your web site and sale their products without paying for their ad's and see if you can compel with them.

There is another new vendor on the boards and they have been playing by the rules and helping ,that speachs highly in their service to a contractor and a newbee.

Going back under my rock.