Banned from sites!!!!

Why in the heck were you banned Grant????

I was being rebelious or something. They wanted me to send them money, I wanted something in return and they didn't think that membership dues entitled members to any benefits. It was kind of a mutual agreement, they didn't want to listen any more and I was done talking!
I never been banned from any other sites.... The funny thing is, I usally just keep my mouth shut, Or is it the other way around. But never had any problems.

Just count me in as a Pirate vote, I will ravish your woman, smoke your stash, But I will never tread on the people's vote!

I dont think I ever had an infraction, Could some one check!

No warnings
No Infractions
and a reputation power of 13

Would you like an infraction?
No not at this point, I am saving up for a special occasion.

I hooked everyone up! Merry Christmas.

Banned from sites!!!!

Is anyone else banned from sites?
I WAS banned from The Grime Scene and Pressure Tek.
Not anymore!
W/O getting into any specifics, I hold NO grudges against Beth or Bob Williamson.

I enjoyed my "vacation" away from those two boards, and I am back posting on both.

If anything, my little vacation has made me even better friends with both Beth and Bob then before.

I think one must keep it all in perspective.
These boards do not really effect my income, and there is little use in becoming angry over things you can't control.