Back Pack Blowers


Wondering what you guys use and how you like them? I am looking to get one soon, in the area of 180MPH and 520CFM.
Only interested in what people actually use, not what they have read or heard about.

Happy Holidays
Alan, I had and echo and a Billy goat that was powered by and echo motor. I don’t use them any longer. Not because I didn’t like them I just don’t need them for what I do anymore. They ran great and I used them for many hours before I sold them. I had had some cheaper brands but that echo products line really runs good.

I'm reffering to pack pack type, i never used any hand help ones other than my own home model.
Mr. Alan

What do you need the blower for? I have an 16hp billygoat, it puts out 6,000 cfm try the LITTLE WONDER BLOWER these are very good also

What i didnt like about the backpack , it ran out of fuel to quick!

I have a poulain that blows at 230 MPH. It costs about $300. It seems to last about 3 hours between fuelings. NO problems yet.

I also use the Echo handheld, both the larger model and the mid-size. Never any problems, usually start with one or two pulls, and run about an hour or so between fuelings. Only problem I see with the handhelds is your arm gets so dang tired after 8 hours or so blowing off roofs etc. I'd like to try the backback, but don't know how comfortable I'd feel walking roofs with it.

Let me know how yours works out.
Thanks to all for the replies, added a few comments, so read if you have time.

Will get back to you in email when you get back in town.
You say that you do not need them anymore. You must have some reliable sweeper trucks that come around after you are done.
I use them prior to washing to clear the area, so my reclaim does not get clogged up with silt, leaves and trash. Also seems that whenever I wash, the sweeper truck comes around and since I am there, he skips that section since it is wet, so having it done before them and waiting in a pile at the end of the lot makes it easier on both of us. Power of the Billy goat is nice but a little much for my needs. I recall that you do Striping also, so I see your need for it.
I did a search for Poulain and it was all french results. Could you give some more info for them?
I checked the specs for the biggest Handheld that Echo has and it is 22.8 cc vs the 56cc I have been using. The MPH is 160 and CFM is 410 compared to the 180 MPH and 518 CFM that I have been using. I do not know how much of a difference it would make, but would hate to spend the cash and then be stuck, since I am spoiled with my current one that is actually a loaner made by STIHL. This thing really moves some dirt. Tank lastsabout an hour and I usually do not blow any longer than that anyway. Weight is less than 20lbs.
Did some more surfing and came up with the conclusion that the Echo Back Pack PB-650 is the strongest on the market.
Blows 205 MPH with a CFM rating of 630. List is $499.00, but will have to surf a little more on ebay to get a deal.
Thanks to all those who used the word ECHO. I had not heard of them before, and was leaning toward Stihl, also a good unit, but not nearly as powerful.
Mr Alan

please look at the little wonders 6 hp , for a few hundred more this pice of equipment will last 10 years not 2 or 3 , and the time you will save will pay for it in no time .

Its your money , do what you thank is right , but with the Little Wonder 6hp , 15,000 sq ft , 15mins in most cases.

I have a preferance for the back packs. I have used some walk behinds in the past and I like the b/p more.
Thank you for your replies.
Happy Holidays
2 things i know about blowers

#1 wear hearing protection.
#2 dont wear a flannel shirt unbuttoned when useing them.
I have sucked-up and shot out more pieces of shirt that way.
We have a few towns around here that have outlawed blowers all together. Nothing worse then listening to 20 mexicans with blowers on a sunday afternoon.
Want to be a millionare-make them silent.
A co called RED MAX is also a name to check out.
I like "little wonder" walk behinds.
They make a big one that's self propelled.\
In Los Angeles County, they have outlawed gas blowers (the law is being skirted with menthanol blowers) within 500 ft of any residence. Blowers are no louder than my Honda 20HP and Onan 14 HP on my generator when they run together. Add in the high pressure noise and we will be the next to be banned.
Checked out Red Max and have the same specs as the Echo, when measured at the pipe. Red Max runs a little more though.
Thanks for the info and safety tip. I always wear ear protection and how did you know I wore flannels on the job? You said in another post Ron M was following you, but is that the way it really is?
ron p/alan

i was just busting chops about ron m.
He likes to pick out things and revive old posts when things get slow.
I hear that he was asked not to post on one of the OTHER sites.
People are getting a little cage-ie early this season.
We need to find a way to invite more people to post.
Seem's only about 10% do.
The noise thing is more for the whine then the deciables. I can hear the whine, way before the engine. I had to buy one for a landscaper 2 years ago. I smashed it into little pieces.
It was sunday morning at 7 o'clock. I was hung over. Not a proud moment.
I suggest either a sthil br320 or br400. Have had my 320 for 2 years and have never even had to change the spark plug. I used to do yard work so i have used every make and model and i can honestly say stihl makes the absolute best blower for the money. They are also easiest to use. I leave mine out in the weather year round and it still starts 2nd pull everytime. I love it.

air velocity is 72m/s for 320 and 80m/s for400

air flow rate is 740m3/h and 810m3/h

weight is 19.6 lb

shoulder straps are super comfertable.

noice level is 73dB

cost is $300-400 depending on model

hope this helps.
I was using a BR400, but it was a loaner. Nice unit with good power. Stihl superceded the 400 with the 420 and the specs went down. If they were still making the 400, I would never have started this post. The Echo has a bigger engine, more mph and more air flow and has been getting good ratings from end users.
List price is $499.00, but I got one on Ebay, new in the box for much less with shipping included.

Hope you had a good Christmas