Attn Hood Cleaners....


President CHDCA
We here are are constantly on the look out for new and inventive ways to make hood cleaning easier.

We now have a filter holder that holds the filter at the perfect angle with spring like tongs, for pressure cleaning.

It securely holds the filter so that it doesn't fall out and is counterbalanced to compensate for the weight of the filter.

It's light weight, can easily be set up in a mop sink, large rubber maid type container, or other places where you would normally pressure wash the restaurant grease exhaust filters.

I have personally field tested this item and wouldn't clean filters again without it.

I highly recommend it for any serious hood cleaner out there looking to speed up cleaning the filters.

Click Here To Order the Filter Holder Today!

Do you have to keep your foot on it when you pressure wash?
It depends on how large the filter is. I've used to clean all different sizes, including the cartridge type from BK's.

You don't have to use your foot, but it has a place for your foot if you want to place it there.

It counter balanced so that the weight of the filter doesn't topple it over and it's made from spring wire steel, so it's very durable.