Article: Stop Blaming The "Pressure Washer!"

Very Nice
Good article. I think a lot of people are put off having their house washed because of the WATERBLAST connotation. So many people have heard the horror stories of damage that has been done by people (not contractors) that have bought a WATERBLASTER taken it home and made a total mess of their properties with it. I personally dislike the term “water blaster”. I have endeavoured to avoid using the wording in my advertising because of the damage connotation of the wording. The sad part about it is that although people won’t employ the services of a competent contractor they tend to put the whole house wash problem in the too hard basket thus exacerbation the problem by not addressing it. I go to great length to explain to my customers that although my machinery is capable of extremely high pressure it is never used on the house when I am washing it. I push the high volume low pressure line. Helps to put their minds at ease.
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