Anyone Heard How Street Bidder is Working?

... So the math looks like 2/562 = a 0.4% hit rate. That's a long ways south of the 5.0% expected rate of success that was bantered about when SB was introduced.

Actually... 2/562 = .00356 (.004%). At $250+, did Doug recoup enough to make it worth his while to do it again and again? Maybe... The factors to consider are... is it worth the time to take 560+ pictures, input all the data just to get 2 jobs. Might have had better ROI just knocking on every door.
562 cards sent does not mean I took 562 pics. You can send 562 cards and only take 100 pics. I have actually taken more than 562 pics. I use streetbidder to target a specific home. This is one of the reasons I do not want pricing on the cards. I am not using it to get $349.00 house washes. I can have Emma Grace flyer 500 doors pretty quick if that was what I wanted.

Again the 2 that were sold as mentioned in the earlier post were 2 that were sold to out of the minimal complaints I have had. In other words, 2 of the complainers bought, (let's say out of 4 complainers) . I have had more than 2 TOTAL sales. Again I am happy with the "moderate" success I have had. AND WILL CONTINUE TO USE IT. I am more about the $ amount brought in, (plus the referrals from those buyers) versus the % of sales made versus cards sent.

I have also had more than one customer that bought say they thought that using their home on the post card was "brilliant".