Anyone having issues with TGS besides me?


Each time I go there for a few days now I get this on the main screen:

<form class="block vbform" method="post" action="login.php?do=login"> [h=2]vBulletin Message[/h] Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/thegrime/public_html/forums/index.php
Line: 38

Pressure Washing and Contractor Cleaning Forums - The Grime Scene

Not sure what that means but I cannot see any of the forums or anything else at all.

Anyone know what it is and how it can be fixed?


Like this

Ron Musgraves text me for questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing Institute
Hey Chris try what Doug did. They did close down for x-mas but before then they added something to it that should make it easier to view on the I-pads and phone. If that doesn't work email Beth. I'll pass this info to her to come here and take a look at what you guys are having problems with when trying to get on TGS.
I have tried opening new browsers, no luck.

I am trying to get on the site with my computer, not my IPHONE.

I have tried both Firefox and Internet Explorer and still the same message each time.
Chris log out and log back in.

Doug Rucker 281.883.8470 Clean and Green Solutions via Tapatalk

I logged out , it accepts the login but I can't view on safari. I'll try explorer later. It's all I got on my phone.

Ron Musgraves text me for questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing Institute
Ron, I think yours is a tapatalk issue. It works fine for me on tapatalk.

I can't login on any browser , site up and accepts login. Then when I click to another page I get error.

Ron Musgraves text me for questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing Institute
Just tried logging out and back in but now the page is white with an error message there:

Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /home/thegrime/public_html/forums/index.php on line 38

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at [path]/index.php:38) in [path]/includes/facebook/facebook.php on line 37

Still cannot get in and view posts or post.