A-OK Pressure
A-ok Pressure Washing
What is the advantage to being a member of the PWNA?
The biggest benefit that I have found being a member of PWNA is meeting my peers in the industry face to face. The ability to exchange ideas and find out what has worked for others and vice versa has been tremendous influence on the growth of my business. Not to mention that many of them have become good friends.
Attila........that is an age old question
The following is my personal opinion and may not be shared by others
Joining an organization is a personal & business choice. It is up to you to determine if you feel your business needs it or not. I think that:
1) Some customers may appreciate a company's participation with industry associations - it leads them to believe that you may be more current with laws, techniques, processes, etc... than a company that is not.
2) It lends credibility to your company that you are associated with a professional trade organization.
3) It provides a sense of belonging to the members - you're a part of something and therefore have access to what may be seen as an "inner circle" - other than spraying water, you have one further thing in common with a fellow member.
4) It provides the opportunity to actually contribute to "the bigger picture". One lone contractor can be effective, but an entire association of contractors has a bigger impact.
To address the upcoming "what do I get for my money" question - benefits vary from discounts from vendor members, to leads from the website, to educational opportunities should you wish to expand your business.
ANY association, organization or network you belong to will provide benefits - the key is HOW you use it.
Attila........that is an age old question
The following is my personal opinion and may not be shared by others
Joining an organization is a personal & business choice. It is up to you to determine if you feel your business needs it or not. I think that:
1) Some customers may appreciate a company's participation with industry associations - it leads them to believe that you may be more current with laws, techniques, processes, etc... than a company that is not.
2) It lends credibility to your company that you are associated with a professional trade organization.
3) It provides a sense of belonging to the members - you're a part of something and therefore have access to what may be seen as an "inner circle" - other than spraying water, you have one further thing in common with a fellow member.
4) It provides the opportunity to actually contribute to "the bigger picture". One lone contractor can be effective, but an entire association of contractors has a bigger impact.
To address the upcoming "what do I get for my money" question - benefits vary from discounts from vendor members, to leads from the website, to educational opportunities should you wish to expand your business.
ANY association, organization or network you belong to will provide benefits - the key is HOW you use it.
I got a phone call today from the Hilborn guy. I think that I ruffled feathers by posting that I hadn't recieved anything fom them after giving them my money. Am I the only one that runs my business in a way that I don't have to worry about messing up customer relations and then asking my customer not to tell other people. Did anyone else get asked if they worked for themselves or if they had employees? In all fairess, I did get a call at 9pm telling me they were resending me my packet. I guess they keep late hours. Ron is usually the only one that calls me that late
I got a phone call today from the Hilborn guy. I think that I ruffled feathers by posting that I hadn't recieved anything fom them after giving them my money. Am I the only one that runs my business in a way that I don't have to worry about messing up customer relations and then asking my customer not to tell other people. Did anyone else get asked if they worked for themselves or if they had employees? In all fairess, I did get a call at 9pm telling me they were resending me my packet. I guess they keep late hours. Ron is usually the only one that calls me that late
We are instituting a new policy. Every person that contacts the PWNA will be responded back with 2 forms of communication, typically email and a phone call. Also, each person will be contacted 3 separate times before we discontinue. Also, each person that calls in will be noted on the PWNA blog. This is to insure that people know that inbound calls are being followed up on.”
Very good.Sometimes all it takesis a little slip up to change things for the better. No org or company should be afraid of public criticism however. It is how it is responded to that defines itself. I think the new policy bodes well for the PWNA.
Get one then John
Ron Yea I'll take that logo next to my name. Its funny that post you found here was the only laps I had with the PWNA in the last 10 yrs and it was only for a couple of months because I wanted my membership to start up every May instead of March.
I think I earned that logo